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与 耸立 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The traveler stood there recalling the desolation that once was; a beautiful oak forest stood there nowall because someone cared.


The sculpted silhouettes of Hopewell Rocks rise from the muddy waters of the Bay of Fundy in Canada's New Brunswick province.


The sculpted silhouettes of Hopewell Rocks rise from the muddy waters of the Bay of Fundy in Canada's New Brunswick province.


Perched on a peak in the Bavarian Alps, the gray granite castle rises to towers, turrets and pinnacles and contains many paintings with scenes from Richard Wagner operas admired by Ludwig.


Perched on a peak in the Bavarian Alps, the gray granite castle rises to towers, turrets and pinnacles and contains many paintings with scenes from Richard Wagner operas admired by Ludwig.


Behind it jagged cliffs broke the north wind, and towered gray-white in the sunshine.


The purple heather still extends for miles, with its barrows and aerial spectacles, intersected with sandy uneven roads, just as it did then; towards the west, where broad streams run into the bays, are marshes and meadows encircled by lofty, sandy hills, which, like a chain of Alps, raise their pointed summits near the sea; they are only broken by high ridges of clay, from which the sea, year by year, bites out great mouthfuls, so that the overhanging banks fall down as if by the shock of an earthquake.


During the inter-war years, Shanghai was known as the "Paris of the East", and was the most flourishing metropolis in the Far East, boasting not only the center of business, but also the paradise of the hedonists.

上世纪30年代,席卷世界的Art Deco风格的飓风登陆上海,这座新兴的东方都市以其飞速发展的自由经济和永无止境的消费热情呼应和张扬了Art Deco的精神与个性:摩登、时尚、激进、丰沛、勇往直前……那些蕴含着现代意识和自由精神的Art Deco建筑耸立在城市的各个角落,为上海这座城市投下了巨大的身影和永久的回响,并在上海人的心灵空间里,植入了现代主义自由勃发的激情。

It is reported,"In far Xiamen " date hull overall height 60 meters, board above has 37 meters, be equivalent to towering aloft 12 maritime buildings.


I am willing that it is the ruins, On high and steep mountain and rock, This ruin mourned in silence Does not make me dejected Only my spouse It is the blue and green Chinese ivy, Along my bleak and desolate volume, Climb up by holding on to and rise on intimate terms with each other.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
