英语人>网络例句>神圣化的 相关的搜索结果


与 神圣化的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

How delightful it was to get such splendid opportunities of hinting that if his life had been sanctified by an object, he might indeed have striven to be something better than an idle flaneur upon the smooth pathways that have no particular goal; that, blessed by the ties which would have given a solemn purpose to every hour of his existence, he might indeed have fought the battle earnestly and unflinchingly.


As far as the magnum opus Hindu laws of Manu is concerned, the core of law is the maintenance of caste system, through the establishment of Brahman、Kshatriya、Vaishya、Shudra these four different but changeless legal status, and makes the status sacred, which apparently extrudes the religionization of the law.


Protecting children from the crass business world because enormously important for late-nineteenth-century middle-clsaa americans, she suggests; this sacralization was a way of resisting what they perceived as the relentless corruption of human values by the marketplace.


Answer: It is to receive of God the remission of sins, freely, for the sake of Christ's blood, which he shed for us by his sacrifice upon the cross; and also to be renewed by the Holy Ghost, and sanctified to be members of Christ, that so we may more and more die unto sin, and lead holy and unblamable lives.


Each highbrow did and does congratulate himself on being unique in his unlikeness to other men; and conversely each lowbrow now congratulate himself on being in some mystical way unique in his likeness—on being, so to say, outstandingly average and extraordinarily ordinary.


Cross's beguilingly understated video Teacup uses a clip from one of the most hallowed representations of Irish life, Robert O'Flaherty's 1930s film Man of Aran which shows fishermen rowing a small boat over stormy Atlantic waves - contained by what, in Ireland, is seen as a traditionally female ritual, tea drinking, to comment on masculinity and femininity, nature and culture, the past and the present.

有趣含蓄的影象作品Teacup选取了最能神圣化代表爱尔兰生活的由Robert O'Flaherty 与20世纪30年代拍摄的电影《The Man of Aran》的片段在大西洋汹涌的波涛中渔夫摇曳着一叶轻舟。

The religion the nationalities there believed included not only the traditional ones with national character such as Bon and Samen but also the world religion with cross-national character such as Islam and Buddhism.


It guides us into a new scope of"Be the capital culture", let us re-comprehend the culture which was sacred and classicized by tradition, inspect the hidden benefits logic of culture, and research the complex capital attribute involved in.


The chief significance of this novel is that it destructs three main"era myth": 1/the myth of social revolution 2/the myth of romantic love and beauty and satanic hedonim 3/the rationalism which makes opposition between subject and object this is the core of modern culture.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
