英语人>网络例句>癫狂的 相关的搜索结果


与 癫狂的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Generally speaking, if you're talking about having no children at all, you're still regarded as barmy or selfish. Or you get the patronising,'Oh, you know, you'll change your mind.'


But she had that queer sort of bossiness, endless assertion of her own will, which is one of the signs of insanity in modern woman. She thought she was utterly subservient and living for others. Clifford fascinated her because he always, or so of ten, frustrated her will, as if by a finer instinct.


French classical music has been dominated for 30 years by the avant -garde "organized delirium" of Pierre Boulez.


The shepherdessalice meynell 牧羊的女儿阿里斯·美那尔 she walks——the lady of my delight——a shepherdess of sheep.her flocks are thoughts.she keep them white;she guards them from the steep.she feeds them on the fragrant heightand folds them in for sleep.she roams maternal hills and bright,dark valleys safe and deep.into that tender breast at nightthe chastest stars may peep.she walks——the lady of my delight——a shepherdess of sheep.she holds her little thoughts in sight,though gay they run and leap.she is so circumspect and right;she has her soul to keep.she walks——the lady of my delight——a shepherdess of sheep.


And when His relatives heard about it, they went out to lay hold of Him, for they said, He is beside Himself.

3:21 耶稣的亲属听见,就出来要拉住祂,因为他们说祂癫狂了。

And it was getting worse, really maniacal.


But Paul said, I am not insane, most excellent Festus, but I am uttering words of truth and soberness.

26:25 保罗说,非斯都大人,我不是癫狂,我说的乃是真实清醒的话。

But he said, I am not mad, most noble Festus; but speak forth the words of truth and soberness.

恢复本 保罗说,非斯都大人,我不是癫狂,我说的乃是真实清醒的话。

Marylise Frecheville bashes the living shit out of drums and vocalizes across a wild range of styles from death screams to French chanson to German punk to Arabic chanting.

Curiosities Of Popular Customs是他们的音乐最清楚的一张录音专辑—--就像一套采样,岂有此理地把嬉戏的无政府主义朋克和中国现代民歌混和在一起,古怪的衣领笔挺的歌舞表演和春上村树的超现实主义诗歌则籍着伊斯兰教的托钵僧的精神和Lignting Bolt(一支癫狂的美国实验朋克乐队)的巨浪翻滚似的狂乱传达出来。

It's no wonder that only people with rich aesthetic appreciation experiences have a physiological or psychological demand for tachisme, because in their eyes, what they expect most is a kind of pleasant sensation on aesthetic appreciation. They have seen too many delicate paintings, so their eyes are very particular and slashing. Especially, they can't bear ordinary paintings without mien. It has become impossible for those quotidian and easy descriptions about the reality without sound and colors to catch their eyes, to say nothing of touching their heartstrings. In their eyes, a good artwork "shall not get separated from the thought course of the reality to make an immediate response to various experiences and feelings in the life, and express them in a surprising manner with a breath-taking vigor, even make a crazy demonstration."


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
