英语人>网络例句>癖好的 相关的搜索结果


与 癖好的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For most of the 20th century the home of Silicon Valley and Hollywood has been the brainier, sexier, trendier of the two: its suburbs and freeways, its fads and foibles, its marvellous miscegenation have spread around the world.


An unfortunate attempt to discriminate them was made by the jurisconsult Ulpian, with the propensity to distinguish characteristic of a lawyer, but the language of Gaius, a much higher authority, and the passage quoted before from the Institutes leave no room for doubt, that the expressions were practically convertible.


They use it synecdochically- and one of the problems of knowing a word like 'synecdochically' is that you really want an excuse to say 'synecdochically', and so this whole talk has just been an excuse to get me to the point where I could say 'synecdochically' to all of you, so I'm really sorry.


OwnerZhang Yinde says her hen is perfectly ordinary, apart from its penchant for stealing dog food.


Nixon's penchant for defining issues as "us" against "them" started when he was an undergraduate at Whittier College and sought to join a "circle of swells" called the "Franklins." He was rebuffed and started his own group made up of young people like himself – quiet, hardworking strivers.

& 尼克松热衷于把问题区别为&我们&和&他们&的癖好始于他在惠特学院读书期间,当时他试图加入一个被称为&弗兰克林斯&的&一流社团,但被拒绝了,此后他集合一批跟他性格相仿的年轻人——安静,勤奋——成立了自己的社团。

The singsong sound of Chinese speech, the opium-smoking proclivities of some and the yearning for drink or gambling of others, their willingness to eat what appeared to be odd or unappetizing food--all combined to build a rumor-filled climate of opinion in which Chinese wickedness and depravity were given prominence.


I don't have any super crazy quirks or anything that different; I'm pretty normal.


One theory for his desire is that it's attached to shame he felt as a child when he couldn't answer his teacher's questions because of his dyslexia. He recalls staring down at feet instead of looking up at his teacher. How complex and counterintuitive is that for the birth of a desire?


These specters fall mainly into sadist, masochist, scopophilia and obsessive, who have their different propensities as well as some common ones of figurative ego-personality, such as infantile disorder, plain requirement and lack of thought.


Per his orders, the stormtroopers under his command had their armor cast in black to match his own particular eccentricities.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
