英语人>网络例句>物体 相关的搜索结果


与 物体 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Motion of a body in which every point of the body moves parallel to and the same distance as every other point of the body; nonrotational displacement.


The measured object can be found within a few milliseconds in the raster-scan image. 4 . Two lines delay for the processed image is implemented using two 128×8 shift registers with the configurable logic block in FPGA. A new fully pipelined bit parallel hardware architecture for Sobel edge detection is implemented with FPGA. Furthermore, it takes no more than 2ms to complete the edge detection of an image with 128×128 pixels.

视觉检测信号的前端处理技术 1、系统地分析了视觉检测算法层次性特点和计算特点,提出了提高视觉检测信号处理速度的基本方案:采用前端处理系统,自动识别被测物体在获取图像中的位置,并将真正有用的被测物体的边缘坐标值,提供给计算机,作进一步的高精度处理; 2、系统研究了实时图像硬件处理的设计基本方法,提出了基于FPGA的视觉检测信号的低级处理算法硬件实现模块化模型; 3、提出了一种新的基于FPGA的模板匹配并行模块化结构,解决了二维图像处理高带宽要求,在几毫秒内就可以在按扫描顺序输入图像中找到检测目标物体的位置; 4、采用FPGA内部的可配置逻辑块实现了128×8移位寄存器的设计,解决了大容量移位寄存器与FPGA内部寄存器数量之间的矛盾,实现了两行图像的延迟。

In the other word,we can acquire correlative information of surface by analyzing the polarized light.


In reparametrization with arcs length, the curvature and torsion is invariant to translation and rotation transformation. The curvature and torsion are views as feature sets.


It will shift from one object to another object or objects from one part to another part.


Static friction: When objects and other objects along the contact surface tangent direction of movement or relative movement of the trend in the two objects contact surface between the hamper their relative movement of force, this force is friction.


The part touching the substrate bends toward the stimulated side, so bringing more of the tendril into contact with the substrate, until it encircles it.


A method of measuring the materials thermal conductivity is proposed, through optimal approach of the measurement of the surface temperature with the analytical solution to calculate the materials thermal conductivity in the third boundary condition.


According to the generated hierarchical information between three-dimensional data,we can construct the surface triangular grid and execute three-dimensional modelling on the object.


An extensive technique of tone shading, namely view shading, is introduced in this paper, in which color of an object is interpolated between cool tone and warm tone, based on the angle between surface norm vector and view vector. It is capable of enhancing the silhouette areas.

在分析tone shading类的艺术性绘制技术基础上,本文提出了一种扩展算法,根据物体表面法向量和观察方向的夹角,物体颜色在冷暖色调之间插值,该方法能够突出物体的轮廓区域。

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