英语人>网络例句>温柔地 相关的搜索结果


与 温柔地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Struggling to rebound from her decade-long crush, Mei finds comfort in the close camaraderie of her school friends, Taka, Mia, Yuri, Natsu, Mitsu and Sara and then meets a reticent and gentle-natured boy named Atsushi.


No; his hope was that as her life had been most likely one of toil and dependence, and as she was very young (nobody exactly knew her age, but she looked little more than twenty), she might never have formed any attachment, and that he, being the first to woo her, might by tender attentions, by generous watchfulness, by a love which should recall to her the father she had lost, and by a protecting care that should make him necessary to her, win her young heart, and obtain from her fresh and earliest love alone the promise of her hand.


Breed of hound dog known for its musical barking while hunting squirrel, rabbit, and hare; coat is short, dense, and hard and can be almost any color, but combinations of black, tan, and white abound; ears broad, moderately large, and set low on head so they hang down the side of the skull to below the bottom jawline; thick tail is long, slightly bushy at end, and carried upright; eyes are large and brown or hazel and have a soft expression; adult's height and weight fall into two categories: 13 in.(33 cm) tall and under at shoulders and 18 lbs (8 kg) or 13 15 in.(33 38 cm) tall at shoulders and 30 lbs (14 kg); courage and stamina are unflagging; cheerful demeanor and willing to follow orders of master unwaveringly; origins are clouded but probably originated in Wales, where the Celts raised the ancestors of today's breed; during days of King Henry VIII of England, beagles were sometimes bred with wiry coats and were so small they could be carried to the hunt in coat pockets; imported into America during colonial times; popular throughout world.


Often a trumpet fish will abandon his fellow wallflowers and swim rapidly toward a larger animal, such as a parrotfish or on the back of the passerby, barely touching it and swim along in this tandem fashion as if seeking friendship, begging for tenderness, offering his heart.


Make/cast sheep's eyes 送秋波 to look at someone in a way that shows that you love them or are attracted to them. eg: Ken's been making sheep'seyes at his ex-girlfriend all the night.

肯整晚上都在含情脉脉地注视着他的前女友绵羊性格温顺,且一般斜视。16世纪幽默诗人约翰·斯克顿把绵羊的目光:(sheep'seyes)喻指&温柔多情的目光&。cast sheep'seyes即指&送秋波&&送媚眼&&投以含情脉脉的眼神& 2。

"In requital of which misdemeanours, it will sometimes, of its own vague purpose, kiss your cheek with a kind of doubtful tenderness, and play gently with your hair, and then be gone about its other idle business, leaving a dreamy pleasure at your heart."


Yet before the floating impress of the woods could clear itself, suddenly the gladsome light leaped over hill and valley, casting amber ,blue and purple ,and a tint of rich red rose ,according to the scene they lit on , and the cloven hoof of darkness, all on the wings of hope advancing ,and proclaiming ,"god is here" then life an djoy sprang reassured form every crouching hollow, every and bud and bird has a fluttering sense of them ,and all the flashing of god's gaze merged into soft beneficence.


However within a short period of 6 months she was already able to communicate in Japanese with the staff of the company and during meetings. Her first Japanese Album "KONYA KASHIRA? ASHITA KASHIRA?"


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
