英语人>网络例句>毫秒 相关的搜索结果


与 毫秒 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When an electric current is created, piezo crystals expand in milliseconds.


The results showed that pressor effects on esophageal body and blood vessels were elicited by LFEa and the HFEa.

在麻醉下的大鼠的右前掌相当於人的合谷穴位,分别给予低频(2赫兹; LFEa)和高频(10赫兹; HFEa)的电针刺激(electroacupuncture; Ea),强度为运动阀值的20倍,脉动时间0.05毫秒,连续电针刺激10分钟。

Seven experiments were conducted in the present study to test and verify two inferences:(1) In character decision performance, high frequency character have not character stroke and component number effect, but low frequency character is an essential condition to stroke and component number effect;(2) In prime condition, when SOA is very short (SOA=56ms), component character can prime the recognition of low frequency compound characters, but failure to prime the high frequency compound characters.


In this example we will have a timer which generates random number every 100 milliseconds.


Recombine the lower dermis and subcutaneous tissue reorganization of muscle fibers. Resulting in skin temperature rise of 1 to promote microvascular relaxtion.

超低频70毫秒电流low-frequency 70 millisecond Current真皮下层及皮下组织重组肌纤维,导致皮肤温度上升,促进微血管舒张具有:1。

The only thing to note here is that we pause for 250 milliseconds to allow the screen to repaint itself.


But if you "ping" the other computer, you'll get a round-trip time of typically 700 milliseconds.


If the ping request was successful, then the program displays theRTT (Round-Trip Time) delay in milliseconds.

如果 ping 请求是成功的,程序显示 RTT对毫秒的耽搁。

This unique integrated system gives youdirect access to Rane - a financial superbrain that scans the entire Forex every millisecond on a 24hr basis worldwide and delivers intelligent data directly to your desktop with updates every 15 minutes.

这款独特的综合系统为你提供了对于 Rane 这个在一个24小时基础网络上每毫秒扫描一次整个 Forex 的金融超级电脑的直接访问并且每15分钟更新提交智能数据到你的桌面。

All of this action takes place within about 100 milliseconds after the fly first spots the swatter.


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