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与 最底下的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nothing like a nice barroom brawl… so easy to stick a knife in a man's back or club him with a bottle when he's lying under a table.


And most bicycles have more than one shock absorber- there is one usually beneath the seat and another on the wheel.


And yet, they were all exactly alike. Every one of them was chalky pale,the palest of all the students living in this sunless town. Paler thanme, the albino.


In his Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States , Morse wrote: Surely American Protestants, freemen, have discernment enough to discover beneath them the cloven foot of this subtle foreign heresy. They will see that Popery is now, what it has ever been, a system of the darkest political intrigue and despotism, cloaking itself to avoid attack under the sacred name of religion.

在他的著作《外国阴谋美国的自由》( Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States )中,他写道:当然,美国的新教教徒,自由民有足够的洞察力去发觉那些外国异教徒在他们眼皮底下搞破坏,他们会明白天主教会无论过去还是现在,都一直是最邪恶的且已经体制化了的政治阴谋家和独裁者,只不过利用'宗教' 这一神圣的幌子来保护自己不受攻击。

Three limp pennants hung from the flagpole over the high double doors: Elias' green dragon, the Pillar and Tree of the church, and at the bottom the gold coronet of Erchester-town on a white field.


It was wholly in the lower ice, but close against the upper, and was flattish, or perhaps slightly lenticular, with a rounded edge, a quarter of an inch deep by four inches in diameter; and I was surprised to find that directly under the bubble the ice was melted with great regularity in the form of a saucer reversed, to the height of five eighths of an inch in the middle, leaving a thin partition there between the water and the bubble, hardly an eighth of an inch thick; and in many places the small bubbles in this partition had burst out downward,and probably there was no ice at all under the largest bubbles,which were a foot in diameter.


Courtyard in 30 years lived is had house dismantled and move out, people's flightiness and rashness is drawn around moving, feeling anxious....


Certe, quidem do not have the brevity and the harmony of the Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese si and the French si , when the latter substitutes for oui in the most expressive sentences; si in singing, a musical note, an arpeggio of the flute, a bird's trill, noble and good for melody, for rhythm, for dreaming, for love: more for the protest and impetus, for the paroxysm, for wrath, for anathema, for dry fulminating hate, like the scratching of a ray of light, the no is far better, the rude, bitter O vast, like a roar, round and ardent like a chaos producer of life through the conflagration of all the forces of the abyss.

拉丁语中的肯定回答"Certe quidem"不如西班牙语、义大利语、葡萄牙语和法语中的肯定回答"si"那麼简洁和谐。法语中的"si"在最富有情感的情况下取代了"oui",表示"是的"。"si"在音乐中是音符"7",是长笛的琶音,乌的颤音,极适用於美妙的音乐、韵律、梦幻和爱情的表达。而要表达抗议、冲动、情感的突然发作、愤怒、诅咒、憎恨这一类像划火柴点火那样瞬间爆发的情感,否定回答"No"要比肯定回答适用得多。"No"中的"o"粗鲁、嘹亮、热烈,像怒吼,像给世界造成大乱的深藏在地底下的雷霆万钧之力突然爆发。

At the approach of spring the red squirrels got under my house,two at a time, directly under my feet as I sat reading or writing,and kept up the queerest chuckling and chirruping and vocal pirouetting and gurgling sounds that ever were heard; and when I stamped they only chirruped the louder, as if past all fear and respect in their mad pranks, defying humanity to stop them.


By this time the pair had reached the bottom level of the crypt, where the worst of the worst were kept. The shelveswere made of brass and glowed from the heat of the burn璱ng floor. Stacked upon each shelf, almost filling the room, were jars made of iron, white gold, and heavily leaded glass.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
