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与 最好的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A good case in point is that of...


It is true, that if the affection or aptness of the children be extraordinary, then it is good not to cross it; but generally the precept is good; Choose the best, and custom will make it pleasant and easy.

" 诚然,如果子女有特殊的爱好或擅长,那么最好不要阻止,一般说来,下面是一条金玉良言:"选择最好的,培养成习惯,习惯成自然。

I think we have to get the best service at the best price.


We want to bring you the best products at the best possible prices.


We can supply the best products and services at best price under the same condition in china.


And same goes to those who are doing their duties and are properly attired.


In this series Chadwick defeated Eviscerate 4-0. Eviscerate is playing a combat swords spec which is far from the best mage killing spec available. One thing you will notice in these videos is that a lot of these players do not respec for specific duels, yet Ming respecced to a Preparation build to give him the best shot against his opponents. I think it is respectable that players like Unsouled, Inactive, and Eviscerate stuck to their builds in this video when they knew from the start their specific setup wasn't the best for their opponents. This fight of Chadwick vs Eviscerate perfectly demonstrates how absolutely required Preparation is against 41 point Frost Mages; moreover, it perhaps also serves as a testament to the superiority of daggers against these types of mages where you only get a few seconds on the target at a time. The faster you are able to unload your energy bar the better. Eviscerate played well against Chadwick from what I saw, but he simply was unable to overcome the kiting abilities of Frost Mages at this point in time.

大意:这个系列中Chadwick把Eviscerate打了个4:0,Eviscerate是一个战斗剑贼的天赋,远远不是对付法师最好最有效的天赋,在影片中有件事情你必须注意到,许多的玩家对于特别的绝斗并不关心,然而Ming做好了准备这样给他在面对对手时有了最好的炮弹,我知道象Unsouled, Inactive,Eviscerate这样在影片中坚持他们的天赋的人是崇高的,当他们从开始就知道他们特别的装备用来对付他们的对手并不是最好的, Chadwick vs Eviscerate的战斗完美的演示了对面41点冰法的时候需要做大量的准备工作,此外,这可能也证明了匕首在对于这类型的法师,当你只能一个时间接近目标几秒的时候,你能量用的越快越好,Eviscerate在对抗Chadwick中就我所见打的很好,但是他不能在这点上及时的克服冰法的风筝能力

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."


Finally, the girl was rescued after Leon, re-return of the original School, and Leon's tree,"best friend" planted in the school environment so quiet growth, not only realize the long-cherished wish of the individual Leon - search a stable home, in fact, also embody the Girl of Leon desire to live on their own emotional sustenance and collectors, this flower Leon "best friend" is also a symbol of Leon Finally conjunction with the Girl into the most good friends, Flower has become the ultimate incarnation of Leon, as well as this law does not allow love to find a reasonable home - Love, it seems, such as tree flower as long once in a girl's heart, and now finally can it return to its own end, and Love the flower tree as if the same person, has been accompanied by once, and now finally can no longer always怀揣in the side but in the careful care of the drop after the peace of mind, to lay down their hearts during the Forever pain, and inner feelings are, therefore, after the baptism of the ominous clouds of life in more and more mature.


Marry a person who likes talking; because when you get old, you'll find that chatting[13] to be a great advantage; Find time for yourself. Life will change what you are but not who you are; Remember that silence is golden; Read more books and watch less television; Live a noble and honest life. Reviving[14] past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again; Trust God, but don't forget to lock the door; The harmonizing[15] atmosphere of a family is valuable; Try your best to let family harmony flow smoothly; When you quarrel with a close friend, talk about the main dish, don't quibble[16] over the appetizers[17]; You cannot hold onto yesterday; Figure out the meaning of someone's words; Share your knowledge to continue a timeless tradition; Treat our earth in a friendly way, don't fool around[18] with mother nature[19]; Do the thing you shod do; Don't trust a lover who kisses you without closing their eyes; Go to a place you've never been to every year. If you earn much money, the best way to spend it is on charitable deeds while you are alive; Remember, not all the best harvest is luck; Understand res completely and change them reasonably; Remember, the best love is to love others unconditionally rather than make demands on them; Comment[20] on the success you have attained[21] by looking in the past at the target you wanted to achieve most; In love and cooking, you must give 100% effort… but expect little appreciation.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
