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Put Twisted Sisters on MTV, yeah[01:46.40]Those were the days[01:49.49]I'll come back[01:50.75]To Iron Maiden and 7-Up[01:53.99]Bananarama and Breakfast Club[01:57.35]Come back[01:59.37]Come back[02:00.93]I'll come back[02:03.77]When Huey Lewis was the news[02:07.46]And we went flying with Tom Cruise[02:11.26]When shoulder pads and looking tough, ooh-oh-oh[02:15.26]Was the dirty David Hasselhoff[02:18.64]Too many men with heavy makeup on[02:22.34]Too many poodles with guitars[02:25.97]Thanks for all the joy you've given us[02:29.81]You will always be our superstars[02:35.28]Back to the 80s[02:36.86]Back to Soap[02:38.99]Back to Rocky and Cherry Coke, yeah[02:42.62]Those were the days[02:45.10]And we go[02:46.47]Back to the 80s[02:47.94]Say 'Hey there, Mister T.

无论里根是演员还是总统,[04:35.09]都在80年代留下了无法抹灭的印记。[04:39.15]satellite:"卫星",[04:40.81]在歌词中指的是"orbital satellites轨道卫星",[04:44.80]这暗指里根时代的 star wars "星球大战"计划,[04:49.21]此计划在克林顿被停止执行)[04:53.80]skinny leather ties:是80年代在欧美国家风行的装束,[04:57.75]男孩们都喜欢戴着细条长的皮质领带,[05:00.89]尤其受到乐队的乐手们的宠爱。

Sometimes the terms connote contemptuous pity,as for what is hopelessly inept or inadequate


In today's cartoon he portrays a Bush-era Uncle Sam, portly, domineer ing and suggestive of a senior corporate type, loudly announcing current policy


In September he wrote to F. Rogers,"I have had the first real hit from Romanism"; an allusion to Wiseman's telling article on the Donatist schism in the "Dublin" for August.

在9月,他写信给楼罗杰斯,"我曾经第一次真正的打击来自romanism ";暗指怀斯曼的告诉一篇关于多纳图派的分裂,在"都柏林"八月。

Rather than dealing with the deficits, Bush touts his policy of "free prescription drugs" for the elderly —— the pa engers among whom the game of shuffleboard is popular."Free lunch" alludes to the American saying "There's no such a thing as a free lunch." In other words, everything costs something and everything has to be paid for by someone; statements otherwise are ploys for gulling credulous people. But free lunch is the order of the day on the U Union②. The president is likewise a fan of NASA's project to establish a ma ed base on the moon and push on to the exploration of Mars;that " aceship" will not be cheap. And the "cash awards" for "all who don't need them" could refer to a host of Bush tax cuts.


In other words, everything costs something and everything has to be paid for by someone; statements otherwise are ploys for gulling credulous people.


Rather than dealing with the deficits, Bush touts his policy of "free prescription drugs" for the elderly -- the passengers among whom the game of shuffleboard is popular."Free lunch" alludes to the American saying "There's no such a thing as a free lunch." In other words, everything costs something and everything has to be paid for by someone; statements otherwise are ploys for gulling credulous people. But free lunch is the order of the day on the USS Union②. The president is likewise a fan of NASA's project to establish a manned base on the moon and push on to the exploration of Mars;that "spaceship" will not be cheap. And the "cash awards" for "all who don't need them" could refer to a host of Bush tax cuts.


Rather than dealing with the deficits, Bush touts his policy of "free prescription drugs" for the elderly -- the passengers among whom the game of shuffleboard is popular."Free lunch" alludes to the American saying "Theres no such a thing as a free lunch." In other words, everything costs something and everything has to be paid for by someone; statements otherwise are ploys for gulling credulous people. But free lunch is the order of the day on the USS Union②. The president is likewise a fan of NASAs project to establish a manned base on the moon and push on to the exploration of Mars;that "spaceship" will not be cheap. And the "cash awards" for "all who dont need them" could refer to a host of Bush tax cuts.


The title of the work;"they come out at night" not only refers to the nocturnal habits of wombats but also to the 'ghosts' of Cooks past residents.


"They've got some of the comments that I've made being mistranslated in Iran, suggesting that I'm telling rioters to go out and riot some more," Mr. Obama said, referring to accounts that the White House said surfaced late last week and over the weekend.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
