英语人>网络例句>攀 相关的搜索结果

与 攀 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You may ignore up to -5 in penalties for close quarters.


If you dare, climb up the 131 – meter – tall "coat hanger" on a guided tour.


In this picture, among many large commercial buildings, a college graduate is climbing upward with difficulty.


Through the window she could see the outline of the narrow garden, the fuzzy grey shapes of a rusting climbing frame and overflowing compost heap.


"They like you, you know," he said conversationally.


With one hand I caught the jib-boom, while my foot was lodged between the stay and the brace; and as I still clung there panting, a dull blow told me that the schooner had charged down upon and struck the coracle, and that I was left without retreat on the Hispaniola.


It's a universally accepted fact that if a cornerman enters the ring or even mounts the ring apron during a bout, it shall be cause for immediate disqualification.


On the way down from his first reconnaissance climb, Bear was almost killed in a crevasse at 19,000 feet.


As I went up the hills and stood in the crispiness of the chilly fall air, I was in complete awe of the expansive glorious view below.


The driving force for dislocation climb is the movement of vacancies through a crystal lattice.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
