英语人>网络例句>探险的 相关的搜索结果


与 探险的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is beginning of my adventure.


Antarctica is regarded as the last paradise for people who like to explore into new world.


Fine weather is crucial to the success of the expedition.


It's about a journey, it's about a trip, Jason has been assigned to go get the Golden Fleece , so he gets together a team of guys and off they go on these many adventures.

这是一个有关旅程、旅途的故事, Jason 被派去寻找金羊毛,于是他组织一批人,与他们一同探险的故事。

He returned to western Russia and was based at Kronstadt, joining the Polar expedition of Eduard Toll on ship Zarya in 1900 as a hydrologist.


A year earlier, three girls, Martha, Clio and Jocasta had met by chance, at the start of a backpacking adventure: they travelled together briefly and then separated to go their different ways, swearing to meet again when they return home.

故事还要从1986年的某个晚上说起,在希思罗机场,有个女婴被人抛弃在了清洁柜里……一年之后,三个女生----Martha、Clio 和Jocasta在一次背包探险的起点不期而遇了:他们一起旅行了一段,然后就分道扬镳了,在分开之前,他们承诺一定要一起回家。

I know a man who has been on climbing expeditions in many parts of the world.


I know a man who has been on climbing expeditions in many parts of the world.


And so, I really got bitten by the bug of deep ocean exploration.


Robert E. Peary won worldwide fame for his exploits as an Arctic explorer.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
