英语人>网络例句>捆包 相关的搜索结果


与 捆包 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Eager to pull a prank on his chiropractor, Dennis taped a bag of potato chips to the small of his back.


Snake Road in particular disk array with the snake ring, that is, first came here the other maze using random, first spent a day run the whole way to understand and then use a random fly, snake ring array can also fly, so to be tied with eight random consumption mainly in the Snake Road site, snake ring that strange multi-burst, N is also more than the middle of the White Snake is a snake of five Hall, there are three White Snake Brush loafers, but there is also fierce private Qing Dynasty, the general or other练级then into the bar, the White Snake to kill more than the total return or, if it is with the Master Taoist group, then, the 33 best to find a good training or a hammer and then with the Road do not turn to anything, they may take a random healing with a row of a row of red, or Fu Road plus a bunch of people, with the two drugs package is enough, do not consume all the basic blue baby in the act, such as a hammer to go back 67 to take into account re-bills, following the easy to frequent high-level rebellion, or go back and re-recruit a good point, in short time would be to group the words that a law to go with the baby, then it is difficult to kill one would have to go back to tonic, and secondly a lot of bored people will come to steal the baby, even if you win PK drug consumption is now unavoidable, so the best fighters mixed with the Road , but here a man, if more than more than 9 in this练级individuals, then you do not intend to add on, and find it somewhere else, the least strange is the lack of Babel, against the devil, and not off-limits练级is to blame the other side of the same difficulty, but the experience is not how high.


Please wrap the gift in paper and tie it with a string.


Tendrils of rope-textured silver and dark marcasite stones wrap the heart in front and continue along the ornate bale.


My mother pulled it up with impatience, and there lay before us, the last things in the chest, a bundle tied up in oilcloth, and looking like papers, and a canvas bag, that gave forth, at a touch, the jingle of gold.


Pack these books off to my brother.


Layer ash was wrapped not to press the plastic cloth of Ji outside this case, bind so that resemble a zhongzi with nylon rope.


The tramp carried his belongings in a park on his back.


If a distally based strip of iliotibial band is to be inserted into bone, the part of the band that is to be inserted is rolled into a cylindrical shape, and a suitable length of strong, nonabsorbable suture is wrapped around the fascia in a crisscross fashion beginning about 4 cm proximal to the end of the strip.


Therefore, on the tyingor pressure tightness, after the book block glued on, such as PVA flameretardant synthetic resin glue, as a result of back-and-glue absorption will be formed when a certain amount of expansion and make the following is issued on virtual spine of incrassation, it should first be used book compactor, later when he was on the cover of dvysocket students'computer package, so that the spine is firm and materials deformation-induced backs wrinkles.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
