英语人>网络例句>拍卖行 相关的搜索结果


与 拍卖行 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ALTER EGO \ 自画像 Auction customer David Phillis viewed "Alter Ego," a self-portrait by artist Peter Howson in Glasgow, Scotland, Tuesday. More than 200 of Mr.

周二在苏格兰格拉斯哥,拍卖行主顾菲利斯正在欣赏艺术家豪森Peter Howson的自画像"自我"。

The distinctive gingham pinafore, tailored to fit the petite singer when she played Dorothy in the 1939 film, could fetch more than £35,000 in the sale by Bonhams auctioneers in London on April 27 which will also include rock and pop items.


Although buyers and sellers are rarely named, the auction price is public.


Now the city hosts auction houses, an international art fair, and a few "White Cubes"– all before it has a public gallery or art school.


The auction house had originally estimated this self-portrait at $20 million.


A major sale of Michael Jackson memorabilia has been cancelled after the auction house said a settlement had been reached with the musician's lawyers.


Collections: Small Island and Man, Concert (Hong Kong Polygram Modern Art Foundation); Game; The Portrait of a Rebel; Red Color and Apple (Apple Organization, Washington, USA); Still Life; 105 Single-Eyed Peoples Deputy (Ji Fengxuan Gallery, Hong Kong;'06 Christie's Auction, HK); Idol (Ji Fengxuan Gallery, Hong Kong;'06 Sotheby's Auction NY); Girl and Handkerchief Ji Fengxuan Gallery

收 藏:《小岛与人》、《音乐会》,香港宝丽金现代艺术基金。《游戏》,PHILLIPE CHARRIOL FOUNDATION。《一个叛逆者的肖像》,PHILLIPE CHARRIOL FOUNDATION。《红色与苹果》,美国华盛顿苹果机构。《静物》,参加中鸿信拍卖行春季拍卖会。《独具慧眼的105位人民代表》香港季丰轩画廊收藏(于,2006年参加香港嘉士德秋季拍卖会。《偶像》,香港季丰轩画廊收藏(于2006年参加香港苏富比秋季拍卖会)。《女孩子与手帕》,香港季丰轩画廊收藏。

Luckily he had kept his receipts, for today Spink's archive belongs to Christie's, which denies other auction houses access to its papers.


A Stradivari violin sold for just over two million dollars at auction in New York, smashing the previous world record for a musical instrument.The violin made by Antonio Stradivari in 1699, the year before his golden period, was sold by Christie's for 2,032,000 dollars, far above its pre-sale high estimate of 1.2 million dollars.

据法新社4月22日报道,这把小提琴是由意大利著名的小提琴制作家安东尼奥·斯特拉迪瓦里在1699年制作完成的。22日,这把名为"Lady Tennant"的小提琴在纽约佳士得拍卖行拍出了203.2万美元的高价,而此前这把小提琴的预计拍卖价则在80万美元到120万美元之间。200多万美元的实际拍卖价格远远超出了此前人们对这把小提琴的最高估价。

At a critical juncture, Thornhill is cornered by his enemies inside a Chicago auction house, and the only way he can escape is by drawing attention to himself.


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Life. But the intrinsic way of the Internet by wire confines accessing and using of the network information.


I have a strong persuasion that this is true .


Baby One More Time, outfitted her in full Catholic-school regalia, and sent her well on the way to becoming an international sex symbol.
