英语人>网络例句>恰当的 相关的搜索结果


与 恰当的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Most automotive dealers, for example, being compensated for the inconvenience, would presumably accept shares of stock as payment for a car.


The movement of My pen is stilled when it attempteth to befittingly describe the loftiness and glory of so exalted a station .


This work gives an algorithm to simplify the rational curves in this situation. After the approximate proper index is defined, it is computed by solving the semi-algebra system. The greatest common divisor is obtained according to the computing process of approximate proper index.


The fracture reasons of high strength PC steel wire are analyzed, it's considered that center segregation, central cavitation, poriness and inclusion are the metallurgical reasons which lead to the facture of PC steel wire and in the rolling process, differential coping quality, microcrack caused by surface defect, abnormal microstructure caused by burnt and improper cooling velocity, the ears on the head of the wire, overlapping of the wire rod itself are the main reasons which lead to the facture of PC steel wire. At the same time, inappropriate pickling, differential phosphorization quality, the bad heat treatment quality, the generation of crack in the improper drawing and transverse crack caused by abnormal laying of the drawing die are also the reasons of the cracking of PC wire.


DAP will be watching how the BN government spending our money, whether wisely, foolishly, over spent, and on all improper spending, especially on those untendered projects.


It is held that a woman, thus taken away and married, may be sworn and give evidence against the offender, though he is her husband de facto ; contrary to the general rule of law: because he is no husband de jure , in case the actual marriage was also against her will.15 In cases indeed where the actual marriage is good, by the consent of the inveigled woman obtained after her forcible abduction, Sir Matthew Hale seems to question how far her evidence should be allowed: but other authorities16 seem to agree, that it should even then be admitted; esteeming it absurd, that the offender should thus take advantage of his own wrong, and that the very act of marriage, which is a principal ingredient of his crime, should (by a forced construction of law) be made use of to stop the mouth of the most material witness against him.


Study 2 used 2(conflict target: supervisor/subordinate)×3(conflict management mode: integrating/obliging/dominating ) design, letting participants to evaluate the effeciency and appropriateness of the management mode used in the contexts. The results showed:(1) the integrating mode were perceived most efficient and appropriage within the three conflict modes;(2) the interaction between the referent role of conflict object and the management mode is significant, which means when the conflict took place with the supervisor, the participants thought the obliging mode was more appropriate and efficient , while when it took place between the subordinate, they thought the dominating mode was more appropriate and efficient than obliging mode.(3)the interaction between SDO and conflict management mode is significant, which means the participants with high SDO would make no preference between obliging and dominating mode, but the participates with low SDO would favor the dominating rather than obliging mode;(4) the interaction between dialectical ways of thinking and conflict management mode is significant, the lower the level of dialectical way of thinking the participants were, the more difference were found between the appraisal of obliging and dominating mode.(5) the moderating effect of SDO and dialectical ways of thinking to the relationship between conflict object and management mode were not significant, which means the relative position of conflict object in China is so strong that can't be affected by SDO and dialectical ways of thinking.

研究二采用2*3(冲突处理方式:迁就/支配/整合)的情境设计,让被试对情境中冲突主角的冲突处理方式进行恰当有效性的评价,结果显示: 1、在与上级或下级发生冲突时,被试对迁就、支配和整合三种策略中整合式的恰当有效性的评价最高;2、冲突对象的相对地位与冲突处理方式之间的交互作用显著,即当与上级发生冲突时,被试认为使用迁就的处理方式比支配的方式更恰当有效,而与下级发生冲突时,被试则认为使用支配的处理方式比迁就的方式更有效; 3、SDO与冲突处理方式之间的交互作用显著,即SDO水平高的被试对迁就式与支配式的认知评价没有差异,而SDO水平低的被试对支配式比迁就式有更高的评价;4、辩证思维水平与冲突处理方式之间的交互作用显著,即低辩证思维水平的个体比高辩证的个体对支配式与迁就式的评价差异更大;5、SDO水平及辩证思维方式水平对冲突对象影响冲突处理方式评价的程度的调节作用不显著。

They are self-confident – leaders cannot be effective mobilisers if they do not display a high degree of confidence in themselves and in their views – but they can also be influenced and are capable of changing their minds when necessary.


And there can be no doubt, but that moveables of every kind became sooner appropriated than the permanent substantial soil: partly because they were more susceptible of a long occupancy, which might be continued for months together without any sensible interruption, and at length by usage ripen into an established right; but principally because few of them could be fit for use, till improved and meliorated by the bodily labor of the occupant; which bodily, bestowed upon any subject which before lay in common to all men, is universally allowed to give the fairest and most reasonable title to an exclusive property therein.


The same man, stimulated by private pique against the MEGARENSIANS,[2] another nation of Greece, or to avoid a prosecution with which he was threatened as an accomplice of a supposed theft of the statuary Phidias,[3] or to get rid of the accusations prepared to be brought against him for dissipating the funds of the state in the purchase of popularity,[4] or from a combination of all these causes, was the primitive author of that famous and fatal war, distinguished in the Grecian annals by the name of the PELOPONNESIAN war; which, after various vicissitudes, intermissions, and renewals, terminated in the ruin of the Athenian commonwealth.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
