英语人>网络例句>差不多没有 相关的搜索结果


与 差不多没有 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He built two huts with pimento trees, covered them with long grass, and lined them with the skins of goats, which he killed with his own gun as he wanted, so long as the powder lasted, which was but a pound; and that being almost spent he got fire by rubbing two sticks of pimento wood together upon his knee...


Girls were twice as likely as boys to say they thought about suicide, but race and areas did not seem to make a difference, the report indicates.


Hurst, by whom Elizabeth sat, he was an indolent man, who lived only to eat, drink, and play at cards, who, when he found her prefer a plain dish to a ragout, had nothing to say to her.


Wu Hequan: Very much different country and area apply for different IP address, it has a lot of unreasonable factors, we want a reshuffle of IP address respect very hard, reapportion, sooner or later according to current rate, was used to 2010 without new IP address, also differred to cannot get online at that time at saying, current China is about the same 3 netizens share an IP address, have bigger proportional netizen to share an address, when so your discovery is landed, did not discover attestation, affect your rate at that time, can solve with a few means of course, but it is opaque, I think this is not exaggerate sth just to scare people.


However, there is no refrigeration refrigerated trucks, cars in the outside temperature is nearly the same temperature.


If Memcached can carry connective moment in the client, do an identity examine and verify a lot of, perhaps restrict the Ip address that join client carries, be like it seems that also is not very difficult, regrettablly I am already old need not C, forget about the same, who has fun at join this function ah Iptables ah Robbin writes Balaschen to write a flaw that discovers Memcached, memcached does not have attestation mechanism, the client inside the local area network is carried, want to know the Key of the port of Memcached and Cache is worth only, can be accessed and change the value of Cache, put in potential security hidden danger.

要是memcached能在客户端连接的时候,做个身份审核就好多了,或者限制连接客户端的ip地址,看起来好像也不是很难,可惜我已经多年不用C了,都忘差不多,有谁有兴趣加入这个功能啊 iptables啊 robbin 写道balaschen 写道发现memcached的一个缺陷,memcached没有认证机制,局域网内的客户端,只要知道memcached的端口和cache的key值,就可以存取和改变cache的值,存在潜在的安全性隐患。

Contrary to popular perceptions, only about two dozen significant bills come up for a roll-call vote on the Senate floor every year, and almost none of those are sponsored by a member of the minority party.


Once finishing the interview with Vint, I rushed back to DAC site, fortunately I-880 and Bay Bridge had no serious traffic jams, and I made it almost on time to interview Mike Inglis, Executive VP Marketing at ARM, followed by a Frontier Lunch with Prof. Walker at Kent State University, and in the later afternoon, I also interviewed Chris Rowen, Founder and CEO of Tensilica.


I say "virtually all manufacturers" because there is one, but only one, company that provides "self-preserving" skin- and hair-care products---products that are formulated without added preservatives such as parabens and formaldehyde.


Reed might at that time some six or seven-and-thirty; she was a woman of robust frame, square-shouldered and strong limbed, not tall, and, though stout, not obese; she had a somewhat large face, the underjaw being much developed and very solid; her brow was low, her chin large and prominent, mouth and nose sufficiently regular; under her light eyebrows glimmered an eye devoid of ruth; her skin was dark and opaque, her hair nearly flaxen; her constitution was sound as a bell---illness never came near her; she was an exact, clever manager, her household and tenantry were thoroughly under her control; her children only, at times, defined her authority, and laughed it to scorn; she dressed well, and had a presence and port calculated to set off handsome attire.

Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre 那时侯,里德太太约莫有三十六七岁光景;她是个身体强壮的女人,阔肩膀,四肢结实,个儿不高,胖乎乎的,但还不能算胖得不得了;脸相当大,下颚很发达,很壮实;额头很低,下巴又大又突出,嘴巴跟眼睛还算端正;淡淡的眉毛下面,一双无情的眼睛在闪亮;她的皮肤黑黑的没有光泽,头发差不多和亚麻一个颜色;她的身体结实得跟一口钟一般——疾病从不敢接近她。她是个精明而严厉的总管,她的一家大小和所有的佃户全都归她管;只有她的孩子们偶尔会反抗和嘲笑她的权威。她讲究衣饰,她还有一种指望把她的漂亮衣服衬托得更美的风度和仪态。

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
