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与 塞尔福斯 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the dining-room, a long and superb gallery which was situated on the ground-floor and opened on the gardens, M. Henri Puget had entertained in state, on July 29, 1714, My Lords Charles Brulart de Genlis, archbishop; Prince d'Embrun; Antoine de Mesgrigny, the capuchin, Bishop of Grasse; Philippe de Vendome, Grand Prior of France, Abbe of Saint Honore de Lerins; Francois de Berton de Crillon, bishop, Baron de Vence; Cesar de Sabran de Forcalquier, bishop, Seignor of Glandeve; and Jean Soanen, Priest of the Oratory, preacher in ordinary to the king, bishop, Seignor of Senez.


Demeter The goddess of the harvest, daughter of Rhea and Cronus and mother of Persephone


Among those in the United States were Justice Felix Frankfurter, Professor Herbert Wechsler of Columbia University and Professor Thorsten Sellin.


Among those in the United States were Justice Felix Frankfurter, Professor Herbert Wechsler of ColumbiaUniversity and Professor Thorsten Sellin.


The Willow was sacred to Hecate, Circe, Hera, and Persephone.


Fiske, John (1989) Understanding Popler Culture, Boston: Unwin Hyman; Hebdige, Dick (1979) Subculture: the Meaning of Style, London: Methuen; de Certeau, Michel (1988) The Practice of Everyday Life, trans Stephen Rendall, Berkeley: University of California Press; Lefebvre, Henri (1971) Everyday Life in the Modern World, tras.

约翰·费斯克(1989),《理解波普文化》;波士顿: Unwin Hyman 出版社;迪克·海博蒂格(1979),《亚文化:风格的意义》;伦敦: Methuen 出版社;米歇尔·德·塞托(1988),《日常生活实践》;斯蒂芬·伦达尔译,贝克莱:加利福尼亚大学出版社

More ambitious and permanent was the Hampstead school of the King Alfred Society, opened in 1897 to give practical expression to the 'best theories of education extant', particularly those of 'Pestalozzi, Froebel, Herbart, Herbert Spencer, Louis Compton Miall, and others working on similar lines'.


The other was the Eleusinian Mysteries - initiation ceremonies for people joining the cult of Demeter and Persephone.


Other rallies will take place at Blytheswood Square, Glasgow; Bedford Square, Exeter; Princes Street, Edinburgh; Bristol city centre; Bold Street, Liverpool; Norwich Forum; Portsmouth's Guildhall Square; Queen Victoria Square, Hull; Tunbridge Wells town centre; Leeds Art Gallery; All Saints Park, Manchester; Grey's Monument, Newcastle; Castle Square, Swansea; St Sampson's Square, York; Morrisons, Caernarfon; Bradford city centre; and Sheffield town hall.


The Czech republic has produced many famous names including writer and philosopher Vaclav Havel, film director Milos Forman, writers Franz Kafka and Milan Kundera, sports stars Jaromir Jagr, Dominik Hasek, Martina Navratilova, Ivan Lendl and Emil Zatopek, composers Antonin Dvorak and Bedrich Smetana, and of course, the co-founders of ALWIL Software, Eduard Kucera and Pavel Baudis!


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
