英语人>网络例句>塔尔图 相关的搜索结果


与 塔尔图 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Indeed, immediately after the victory, Juve chief Alessio Secco sought out Zalayeta's agent, Paco Casal, to assure him the forward was a required player for the rest of this season.


Solomahal agreed to meet with Tzizvvt in his underground den in one of the fouler corners of Tatooine's antiquated sewers.


Within the distance of 500 km from the epicenter there were 4 stations with 4 seismometric observations and 2 precursory observation items.


After meeting with Hungarian President Arpad Goncz and seeing our troops in Taszar, I flew on to Tuzla in northeastern Bosnia, the area for which the United States was responsible.


Squatting, lying, and milling aimlessly about the lower level were a dozen of so large lizard-like beasts that looked like the product of some mad geneticist's cross of Tatooine krayt dragons wit h Haruun Kal ankkoxen : four meters tall at the shoulder, long crooked legs that ended in five-clawed feet clearly designed for scaling rocky cliffs, ten meters of powerful tail ridged with spines and tipped with a horn-bladed mace, a flexible neck leading up to an armor-plated head that sported an impressive cowl of spines of its own—they looked fearsome enough that Obi-Wan might have thought them some sort of dangerous wild predators or vi cious watchbeasts, were it not for the docile way they tolerated the team of Utai wranglers who walked among them, hosing them down, scraping muck from their scales, and letting them take bundles of greens from their hands.


While the case against him for the alleged sexual abuse of 12-year-old Jordie Chandler brought out his bizarre lifestyle and love for proximity to children out into the open, no one really believed him when he insisted he had romanced girls like Tatum O'Neal or Brooke Shields.

由12岁男孩Jordie Chandler 发起的,针对杰克逊的性骚扰指控,使得杰克逊那奇异的生活方式和对孩子的亲近渐渐公开化,当他坚持他也会和塔图姆奥尼尔以及波姬小丝具有亲密的关系时,人们并不相信。

Ibn Battuta, a great 14th-century Muslim explorer, set off from Tangier, on Morocco's north-western tip, on his 30-year peregrinations that took him as far as China.

伊本 巴图塔是十四世纪伟大的穆斯林探险家,他从摩洛哥西北角丹尼尔出发,在他长达30年的旅程中,最远曾到过中国。

Julio Grondona and Jack Warner, the two loyal veeps, were in a hotel suite, huddled with Blatter, preparing for the next day's showdown. In front of us, sitting at a plain table on a brightly lit stage, were big serious Lennart Johansson, averagely-built Antonio Matarrese, big Issa Hayatou, small David Will and our tall, lanky Korean host Dr Chung Mong-Joon.


Mainly has: The free state and The northern border of four provinces, and The glory, Vaal provinces/Tugela river, The Tugela river The cape's DaYuHe (Sundays and The near Fish, western cape of all The rage (oleg's Olifants), The northern provinces LaiDaBaHe and free state eastern provinces LiDeng river, etc.


We had to Batistuta, Caniggia, Balbo, the dark-skinned one and I.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
