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与 埃及人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And they will be dismayed and ashamed of Cush, their expectation, and of Egypt, their boast.


Money talks in Egypt, and sustainable development is forgotten when the interests of the rich and powerful such as the industrial plants in Damietta or the influential Badrawi clan in Daqahliyah are at stake.


14Th century BC, Ramses II of the ancient Egyptian empire 100,000 people have a standing army; the 8th century BC Sargon II of the Assyrian Empire team has a step-by-step 200,000; Persian King Darius Millions of so-called step-by-step team.


Under his father's command, he initially failed in his assaults on Egypt and Nabataea, but later freed Athens from Macedonia (307) and defeated Ptolemy I Soter (306), restoring some of his father's domain.

原在其父指挥下攻打埃及和纳巴泰人尝到败绩,但后来解放了雅典(西元前307年),并打败了托勒密一世(Ptolemy I Soter,西元前306年),恢复父亲原来占有的部分领土。

King Tut's full birth name, or nomen, was Sa re Tutankhaten Heqaiunushema, which means,"Son of Re, Living Image of the Aten, Ruler of Upper Egyptian Iunu." After becoming Pharaoh, King Tut changed his birth name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun, meaning "Living Image of Amun." Iunu was a city near modern-day Cairo which was called Heliopolis ("City of the Sun") by the Greeks.


Today, they showed off some of their most impressive finds atop a barge, including 20-foot-tall pink granite statues representing a pharoah, a queen and Hapi, the Nile goddess of flooding; and a 10-ton black granite stela, or engraved stone, with "Rahinet," the Egyptian name for Herakleion, inscribed on its bottom.


When the barbarian came to live in China, the South Korean built them the civilization and the teaching Hwang Ho civilization was built.


One direct result of this event was the clandestine formation in late 1969 of the Moro National Liberation Front, formed by Moro students studying at universities in the Philippines, Egypt, and elsewhere in the Middle East, and dedicated to creating an independent Muslim nation in the south Philippines. 16 The MNLF gained foreign support from Qaddafi in Libya and from the governor in Sabah, Malaysia, who facilitated the supply of arms and other aid arriving from Libya, as well as training for Moro youths.


President Abraham Lincoln, the rest of the new members of the same can not be underestimated, from Napoleon in France, from Russia, Ivan IV, from the evil Pharaoh of Egypt, as well as the United States General Custer legend and so all figures show, people have amazing: so many political, military genius battle, it is not surprising to have to go wrong making.


From all the men who knew that their wives were burning incense to strange gods, from all the women who were present in the immense crowd, and from all the people who lived in Lower and Upper Egypt, Jeremiah received this answer


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
