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与 土匪 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All tufei sourdough breads are raised by our wild yeast starters where no commercial yeast is added throughout the long fermentation process.


Its hot, trackless south has long been bandit country.


Historical writers tell us that the very dogs are excluded from the whole Acropolis, because of their gross, uncleanly habits.


The ocean defends the water, the hurricane defends the air, the King defends Royalty, the democracy defends the people; the relative, which is the monarchy, resists the absolute, which is the republic; society bleeds in this conflict, but that which constitutes its suffering to-day will constitute its safety later on; and, in any case, those who combat are not to be blamed; one of the two parties is evidently mistaken; the right is not, like the Colossus of Rhodes, on two shores at once, with one foot on the republic, and one in Royalty; it is indivisible, and all on one side; but those who are in error are so sincerely; a blind man is no more a criminal than a Vendean is a ruffian.


That a small body of men like the troops of Liu Po-cheng should have entered a region already given over to the national enemy, have seized and eliminated bandits that were terrorizing the countryside, have established governments where there were none - that they should have, instead of fighting for their very existence, increased their forces ten and fifteen fold, and have crowned the whole effort by gaining control of nearly all the countryside beyond the cities - that this should have been done, not to a wastrel warlord in the wane of his fortunes, but to a proud and mighty foreign invader at the very height of his power, in the very hour of his victory, when almost all the rest of China was giving way before him - that all this should have been done by a mere handful of peasants and intellectuals who had been born from two rifles is a thing almost too extravagant for the pages of history.


Ishbaal, son of Saul, had two company leaders named Baanah and Rechab, sons of Rimmon the Beerothite, of the tribe of Benjamin. Beeroth, too, was ascribed to Benjamin


Brigandism used to occur in agricultural society.


He said authoritatively:"The French Revolution is a heap of blackguards."


These pontificating presidents, kings, and warlords who preach about life and democracy have spent the last generation sending their armies to war, overthrowing regimes, authorizing covert assassinations, arming gangs and militias, trading weapons for political favors, buying protection from thugs, cozying up to terrorists, lauding autocrats, making deals with dictators, imprisoning tens of thousands of foes, torturing at will, thumbing their nose at the UN Charter, buying and bullying judges, ignoring true democrats, and blindly refusing even to hear the simple demands of their own citizens for minimum decency and dignity.


One group of bandits had taken all his oxen and donkeys.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
