英语人>网络例句>嘲弄 相关的搜索结果


与 嘲弄 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

IF THE consequences were not so serious, it would be tempting to mock the fiascos and flip-flops of America's intelligence services. Before 2003 they said that Iraq had chemical and biological weapons and was seeking nuclear ones. They were wrong. In 2005 they said that Iran had a secret nuclear programme and was determined to get a bomb.


AP IF THE consequences were not so serious, it would be tempting to mock the fiascos and flip-flops of America's intelligence services. Before 2003 they said that Iraq had chemical and biological weapons and was seeking nuclear ones. They were wrong. In 2005 they said that Iran had a secret nuclear programme and was determined to get a bomb.


Mahler's genius renders the happy folk tune "Brother Martin" into a funeral march, delivering a funny sense of ridicule and a grotesque sentiment.


It could be seen as poking fun at the Krem lin's sup-posed tendency to solve all foreign-policy problem s by reaching for the gas tap.


The didactic and satiric tones of this fiction are revealed by his use of homophones, hyperboles, images, metaphors, metonyms, similes, and other figures of speech.


MODERN poetry seems all too often to be associated with coy, small-minded ironists; teasing, finicky word players who often write in disappointingly short lines and seem to lack the ambition, the emotional force, the rhetorical reach, and even the range of subject matter of great poets of the past.


There was purpose and feeling, banter and scoff playing, mingled, on her mobile lineaments


With a soul both pensive and explosive, equally capable of derisive laughter and hot tears, Leslie is all man-woman.

兼有着 忧郁和爆发力,同时可以有嘲弄的笑和兴奋的眼泪,LESLIE是男人也是女人。

With a soul both pensive and explosive, equally capable of derisive laughter and hot tears, Leslie is all man-woman.


It was a temptation, Dr Milner says, that they struggled against daily.


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Life. But the intrinsic way of the Internet by wire confines accessing and using of the network information.


I have a strong persuasion that this is true .


Baby One More Time, outfitted her in full Catholic-school regalia, and sent her well on the way to becoming an international sex symbol.
