英语人>网络例句>君主主义者 相关的搜索结果


与 君主主义者 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In most cases, each of you appears to be a despot or a perfectionist, forgetting what is possible and what is not.


Ialka is not just a musical project, but a social scientific experiment, attempting to meet and communicate with interesting and unknown musicians and artists from around the world - with particular interest in polluted dictatorships, bleak colonies, and monarchic democracies...


But as to our country and our race, as long as the well compacted structure of our church and state, the sanctuary, the holy of holies of that ancient law, defended by reverence, defended by power, a fortress at once and a temple, shall stand inviolate on the brow of the British Sion—as long as the British Monarchy, not more limited than fenced by the orders of the State, shall, like the proud Keep of Windsor, rising in the majesty of proportion, and girt with the double belt of its kindred and coeval towers, as long as this awful structure shall oversee and guard the subjected land—so long as the mounds and dykes of the low, fat, Bedford level will have nothing to fear from all the pickaxes of all the levellers of France.


Whereas monarchists condemn such ignorance, republicans believe it is a natural consequence of keeping what they see as an archaic and increasingly meaningless link to Canada's colonial past.


The conservative monarchists who opposed liberalism and democracy saw themselves as defenders of traditional values and the natural order of things, and their criticism of democracy seemed vindicated when Napoleon Bonaparte took control of the young French Republic, reorganized it into the first French Empire and proceeded to conquer most of Europe.


At any rate, the French Revolution was a bloodbath and "revolution" began to get a bad name as far as monarchists were concerned and holy significance as far as Jacobins were concerned.


But these issues were proxies for a deeper struggle between supporters of Thaksin Shinawatra, the ousted pop-ulist prime minister, and his oppo-nents, who include monarchists, the military and others who see Thaksin's emphasis on rural and working-class empowerment as destabilizing.


From there, he fell in with a slightly hysterical clutch of hard-right priests and nationalists, one of whom gave him his first job, on a small Belgian Catholic newspaper, the Vingtième Siècle , which fervently supported the monarchy, Belgian missionaries in the Congo and Mussolini and loathed the Bolshevik atheists running Russia and "Judeo-American" capitalism.

在那里,他遇见了一些有点歇斯底里的强权牧师和民族主义者,其中有人给了他第一份工作,在一家比利时天主教报纸Vingtième Siècle工作。这份报纸坚决支持君主政体、位于刚果的比利时传教士及墨索里尼,憎恨布尔什维克的无神论者控制了俄罗斯和&犹太美洲人&资本主义。

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
