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与 发起人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Christopher Hitchens, the author of an antireligious polemic in 2007, observed that half the people who came to his book-promoting speeches had thought they were the only atheists in town.

Christopher Hitchens是2007年一场有关宗教的辩论的发起人,他表示在那些参加他书籍促销演说的人中,有一半曾经认为自己是小镇上唯一的无神论者。

The mechanism has many advantages, such as speciality, efficiency, agility, secrecy. The second chapter discusses about the arbitrability of securities disputes. Depend on classing securities disputes and researching arbitrable affairs, we put forward some suggestion about the arbitrability legislation of securities disputes. What can arbitrate is the securities disputes among stoke exchanges, public companies, stockjobbers, fund manager, and so on. It is beyond arbitrate ability. That the invading disputes happens because of false statement, controlling market, inside trade by public company, stockjobbers, and so on.


Among the a lot defects of the project, expense cannot be bulked; the goals of the project's promoters can be achieved with impressive economy.


At the time Epicyte had a joint venture agreement to spread its technology with DuPont and Syngenta, two of the sponsors of the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault.

当时 Epicyte 与杜邦公司及先正达公司已达成合资协议以推广这一技术,而杜邦与先正达都为&斯瓦尔巴德全球末日种子库计划&发起人之一。

At the time Epicyte had a joint venture agreement to spread its technology with DuPont and Syngenta, two of the sponsors of the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault.Epicyte was since acquired by a North Carolina biotech company.


Engineered corn which contained a spermicide which made the semen of men who ate it sterile At the time Epicyte had a joint venture agreement to spread its technology with DuPont and Syngenta, two of the sponsors of the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault.

当时 Epicyte 与杜邦公司及先正达公司已达成合资协议以推广这一技术,而杜邦与先正达都为&斯瓦尔巴德全球末日种子库计划&发起人之一。

If WASP-18b somehow escapes imminent destruction by tidal forces, then astronomers will know that "our understanding of orbital dynamics, particularly tidal interactions, needs revision," says lead author Coel Hellier of Keele University in the United Kingdom.

如果 WASP-18b 以某种方式靠潮汐力逃脱了即将灭亡的命运,那么天文学家们将会认识到我们对轨道动力学的理解需要改变了,特别是对潮汐作用的理解更需要改变,该研究的首要发起人、英国基尔大学的科尔·赫利尔说。

Poet Yeniu, as the hoster and initiator.


This suggests that mare-type volcanism must have occurred at least as early as this date, just after the first stage of lunar crust formation, say the authors, led by Dr Kentaro Terada of Hiroshima University in Japan and Dr Mahesh Anand of the UK's Open University .

研究的发起人日本广岛大学的 Kentaro Terada 博士和英国开放大学的 Dr Mahesh Anand 指出:这肯定地说明了,形成月海的火山作用起码不比这个时间更晚,就发生在月球外壳形成的第一阶段之后。

The Liu Wenwei referred to in the "big character poster" is Shilin County's Party Secretary [10]; he's also the organizer of this "City Improvement," which will see all the streetside buildings renovated, an idea he came up with.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
