英语人>网络例句>力矩 相关的搜索结果


与 力矩 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to this method, the end-moments produced by loading and those pro-duced by sidesway need not to be determined separately and afterwards super-posed.


A direct yaw moment control controlling vehicle motion by a yaw moment which is actively generated by transversally distributed tire longitudinal forces is becoming one of the most promising means of chassis control for the improvement of vehicle active safety.


Driving moments, damps and nonlinear dynamical parameters are considered as the inputs and outputs of RBF that constructed to be trained.


Torque rheometer with an internal mixer is commenly applied to study the property of PVC in polymer laboratory. Compounding temperature、rotor speed、and totalized torque are three main influence factors to affect the fusion of PVC in a torque rheometer.

力矩流变仪(To-rque Rheometer)配备内部混合器是一般高分子加工实验室常用的PVC混练仪器,而此仪器影响PVC熔合最主要的混练因素为混练温度、转轴转速及力矩总和(Totalized Torque;简称TTQ),本文应用一个2的3次方因次实验设计法来判定上述三个混练因素对PVC熔合之影响程度。

The new compensation scheme used loading motor output shaft angle displacement for the surplus torque feed-forward compensator,which can reduce the system order while effectively eliminated surplus torque.


The result shows that auger drill tips has little effect on the hole drilling resistance.


The influence factors of ball screw pair friction moment are analyzed, and a method to measure the friction moment is given.


Of the equipment of automatic assembling bevel drive pinion was developed,which had the function of automatic measuring screwing moment and start-up friction moment.


Traditional worm casting ladle is adopt to the lower light revolving shaft, before pouring, molten iron is self dumping, using self-locking of worm gear, control dumping torque of casting ladle, pouring later, man turn on hand wheel, bevel gear turn to worn gear drive, and turn casting ladle pouring, don't turn on hand wheel, another side of worm gear tooth self-locking, control vertical torque of casting ladle.


The basic working principle of a self-excited retarder was introduced briefly and the main circuits of its drive controller were detailedly designed. Based on brake torque gear and vehicle's working condition, the formulae for calculating SCR's conductive angle were strictly derived and the real-time control on brake torque has been realized successfully by controlling SCR's conductive angle.


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If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
