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与 克洛 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Briseis, fair as Venus, when she saw the mangled body of Patroclus, flung herself upon it and cried aloud, tearing her breast, her neck, and her lovely face with both her hands.

" 其时,布里塞伊丝回返营地,像金色的阿芙罗底忒一般,看到帕特罗克洛斯躺在地上,伤痕累累,得之于锋快的铜矛,一把将他抱在怀里,放声哭叫,双手撕抓着自己的胸脯、柔软的脖子和秀美的脸面,一位像神一样的女子,悲恸诉告:"帕特罗克洛斯,你是我最大的愉慰,对我这颗悲愁的心灵!

But, Cloy have to seeks help from some new friends, experiences complex German sheepdog Dai Geduo including one, with a full of affection puppy handkerchief skin, Cloy under theirs help, buoys up the road which the spirit pursues goes home.


In the choice of the external retaining wall system materials, the project selected舒布洛克system walls, lateral tiling or stone can be effectively reduced "cold bridges" and other adverse effects; form of aluminum material selection alloy bridge frame off the cold feed and double Low-E Low-e insulating glass, energy-saving effect; Roofing Shop increases by 50 mm thick rigid polyurethane foam.


Significant to this body of work is the painting entitled Cronos by Goya in which a giant is depicted consuming his son in fear of losing his power to him.


The company reported net profit of Rs 700 crore on revenues of Rs 3,546 crore, which were ...


German ace Klose finally bagged his first ever goal at a European championships, while Italian Toni's goalmouth troubles have been widely discussed.


He did , finally , dismiss Hierocles , Cordius , and Mirissimus and two other base favourites who were making him even more of a fool than he was naturally.


A late bloomer, one might say. But how late can you bloom, really? At 20, Klose was playing for a bigger club, Homburg, but only in the second team and the fifth division. At 21, he finally played for the club he used to support from the stands, Kaiserslautern.


In desperation, Chloe had to resort to some new friends, including going through a complex German Shepherd wearing a koto, and a sentimental Papi puppy, Chloe in their help to pull themselves together to find The way home.


In 1687, a full hundred years after the first performance of Titus Andronicus, Edward Ravenscroft adapted the play for a different audience.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
