英语人>网络例句>令人震惊 相关的搜索结果


与 令人震惊 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

EADS management is facing twin probes by stock market authorities and its main shareholders following the Franco-Germa-group's shock profit warning this week amid delays on its flagship Airbus 380 airliner.


But after an audacious Shuttle repair mission, when Hubble was fixed with what is effectively a pair of eyeglasses to correct its sight, the telescope has returned some of the most stunning images ever captured by science.


Based on detailed interviews with Swift Boat veterans who served in Vietnam with John Kerry and on recently released FBI surveillance reports of John Kerry's anti-war activities, Unfit for Command is a shocking indictment of a politician who slandered his fellow veterans, danced on the edge of treason, and has shamelessly exaggerated his own war service for political ends.

评价○ 《不配指挥》是根据对在越南服役的快艇老兵的详细采访和美国联邦调查局最近刚刚公布的关于约翰·克里反战行为的报告而写成的,是对一个政治家的令人震惊地控诉:他诽谤并肩作战的战友;他周旋在叛国的边缘;他为了达到政治目的毫不羞耻的夸大自己的战功。

Real Madrid star Kaka could be set for a shock return to Milan, according to Sportal.it.


Michael Ballack could hand the host nation a real fillip by making a shock return for Germany 's opener with Costa Rica .


It also gives due weight to China, where the numbers living on $2-13 a day rose from 174m to a jaw-dropping 806m in just 15 years.


While fast, the bigger sweet spot provides for a shocking level of control.


The statistics on the number of people in Africa who are dying from counterfeit anti-malaria drugs is very very shocking.


The man who claims to be a "post-partisan" centrist seems to be channelling the spirit of William Jennings Bryan, the original American populist, who thunderously demanded to know "Upon which side shall the Democratic Party fight—upon the side of 'the idle holders of idle capital' or upon the side of 'the struggling masses'?"


The man who claims to be a "post-partisan" centrist seems to bechannelling the spirit of William Jennings Bryan, the original Americanpopulist, who thunderously demanded to know "Upon which side shall theDemocratic Party fight—upon the side of 'the idle holders of idlecapital' or upon the side of 'the struggling masses'?"


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We will see more and more activist government policies that distinguish economic activities according to the nationality of the actors.


If we can prove the independence of an axiomatic system, then we can guarantee the conciseness of this system, ie.


You can save 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide if you cut down your garbage by 10%.
