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与 yachtsman 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An English yachtsman sailing in the Caribbean, 4,000 miles from home, lost his mast in a storm.


A French yachtsman has broken the record for sailing round the world single-handed.


Yachtsman Richard Van Pham set out to make a 28-mile trip to an island off California.


With the same ardor he displayed as a stock-plunger, Livermore hurled himself into the exciting role of yachtsman.


Yachtsman Richard Van Pham set out to make a 28-mile trip to an island off California.


Computer models have been predicting that the Arctic will not be ice-free, even for a short time in late summer, until 2040, and at present only icebreakers and the occasional lone yachtsman are getting through.


At the end of the week, among all the glittering prizes, one in particular stands out: a Rolex Oyster Submariner, waterproof to 1,000 feet, officially certified as a superlative Swiss chronometer, and guaranteed to inspire any yachtsman worth his salt.


Turing to the most legendary piracy places, Latin America and the Caribbean, one should not forget the terrible murder of Sir Peter Black, the famous yachtsman who won two editions of the America's Cup, while he was going up the River Amazon with his boat "Seamaster".

海盗传奇最著名的地方是拉丁美洲和加勒比海。人们永远忘不了对彼得布莱克爵士的恐怖谋杀,这位著名的航海家赢得了两届美洲杯,而当他驾船 Seamaster 号延亚马逊河航驶的时候发生在惨案。

Learning from a legendary yachtsman, she digs down deep to fake it in front of 3 top names from the sailing world.


When nature conservation first became a popular cause, in the early 1960s, one of its champions was Peter Scott, a British naturalist, artist and Olympic yachtsman, and son of the ill-fated polar explorer Robert Falcon Scott.

二十世纪60年代,人们开始普遍关注自然保护,其先锋人物是英国人Peter Scott,他是一名艺术家,曾参加过奥运会皮划艇比赛,他的父亲正是在极地探险中不幸遇难的Robert Falcon Scott。

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
