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与 wreak 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But, in the education of her child, the mothers enthusiasm of thought had something to wreak itself upon.


The Kafkaesque account takes place in a dystopian future where runaway robots—so sophisticated they can pass all too readily as humans—have to be hunted down and "retired" before they can wreak havoc on what little is left of human society.


When you have the attorney general of a state like Oklahoma battling poultry producers over the industry "wreak havoc in the 1-million-acre Illinois River watershed, turning it into a murky, sludgy mess," it seems pretty clear that environmentalists might want to think again about putting that product into even a "relatively" favorable category.

当像俄克拉何马州的总检察长,向家禽业者开战,指责该行业「破坏伊利诺伊流域100万英亩成浩劫,将它变成暗黑,一团糟的泥浆。」时,对我而言这是十分清楚了,环境保护主义者可能得重新思考,将肉产品分类入「甚至是相对 OK 」的适宜性。

Fantasiesare a way of rewriting childhood history, sometimes to wreak revenge on abusiveor absent adults, sometimes to sanitise memories of them.


In addition, because technology arrangements also wreak havoc on the anodized finish.


This "workaround" circumvents security and allows malicious code to wreak havoc with restricted resources.


In many legends a dragon had the ability to wreak havoc upon a land and therefore had to be either propitiated by a human sacrifice, or killed; it was also often the guardian of a treasure or a maiden.

在许多传说里,dragon 具有毁灭一大片土地的能力,所以要么用活人来满足它,要么将它杀死。

In many legends a dragon had the ability to wreak havoc upon a land and therefore had to be either propitiated by a human sacrifice, or killed; it was also often the guardian of a treasure or a maiden.

在许多传说里,dragon 具有严重破坏一片土地的能力,所以,要么用人作为牺牲品来满足它,要么将它杀死。

In many legends a dragon had the ability to wreak havoc upon a land and therefore had to be either propitiated by a human sacrifice, or killed; it was also often the guardian of a treasure or a maiden.

从这段文字上可以看出,喷火是龙的普遍特性,即 '龙息',因此再加一个 '火' 字没有必要。更主要的是,如果人文社从开始就把 Dragon 译成 '火龙',并一直持续使用 '火龙' 一词,我不会说什么。

One of the prerequisites for life that has been proposed is for there to be a giant gas planet in the neighbourhood that soaks up most of the comets and asteroids before they can wreak havoc on the smaller, rockier worlds on which life can arise.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
