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Howbeit we eak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought

2:6 然而在完全的人中,我们也讲智慧。但不是这世上的智慧,也不是这世上有权有位将要败亡之人的智慧。

They would be "filled with the conceit of wisdom instead of real wisdom."


In non-Catholic Versions, the ordinary heading is:"the Wisdom of Solomon", in contradistinction to Ecclesiasticus, which is usually entitled:"the Wisdom of Jesus, the Son of Sirach".

在非天主教版本,普通标题是:"所罗门的智慧",在对比的Ecclesiasticus ,这通常是题为:"智慧的耶稣的儿子Sirach "。

Wisdom keeps a man from danger even as money does; but the value of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to its owner.

7:12 因为智慧护庇人、好像银钱护庇人一样,惟独智慧能保全智慧人的生命、这就是知识的益处。

I gave her wisdom to carry her husband through his faults. I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him determinedly .


Poetry is wisdom that enchant the heart, wisdom is poetry that sings in the mind.


Social progress and development, result from the abundance of wisdom of wisdom; mankind and progress, result from the mankind is right " foregone " master and be opposite " sealed " the extraordinary splendour ray that explores; life value, result from the motivation of life.

概要: 社会的进步和发展,源于人类的聪明;人类聪明的丰富和长进,源于人类对"已知"的把握和对"未知"的探索;人生价值的异彩光线,源于生命之动力。

Its folk wisdom is considered as the most outstanding wisdom.


Perfect wisdom has four parts:wisdom,the principle of doing things aright;justice,the principle of doing things equally in public and private;fortitude,the principle of not flying ganger,but meeting it;and temperance,the principle of subduing desires and living moderately.


The Book of Wisdom, emphatically Hellenist in character, presents to us Divine wisdom as flowing on from generation to generation and making holy souls and prophets (vii, 27, in the Greek).

这本书的智慧,强调hellenist在性格,呈现给我们的神圣智慧的流动对一代一代传下去,使神圣的灵魂和先知(第七章, 27条,在希腊语)。

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Words Of Wisdom
Conventional Wisdom
Words Of Wisdom
Wisdom Of The Ages
Words Of Wisdom
Crazy Wisdom
Wisdom Teeth
Strength, Courage & Wisdom
Wisdom, Justice And Love

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
