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与 useful 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is my last OpenGL for a project to use the "three-dimensional vector space / point" and related functions, they can use a definition of space vector / points, for the vector translation, zooming and rotation, the use of correlation function can also achieve two vector by the fork, get a Vectors absolute length of a vector unit, received a 3:00 decision vector perpendicular to the plane, a space to be the distance between two points, two vector to be the plot points, to be the angle between two vectors, such as operating for the use of user-friendly, each function is detailed Notes, it is particularly important if the calculation vector plot points, fork also took note, we hope to have useful.


Nevertheless, on account of the great benefit of absolution, and because it is otherwise useful to the conscience, Confession is retained among us.


Higher algebra is an abstract and theoretical subject.In the teaching,it is hard to join the examples with the real life.This gives people the impression that learning algebra is not useful.


It is specifically useful for those students who have difficulties in connecting abstract mathematics symbols and concrete experience.


The very abstractness of mathematics makes it useful.


Yet the very abstractness of mathematics makes it useful.


It is possible to do some almost absurdly difficult-to-understand things with regular expression (but ones that are nonetheless useful).


We hope that you find the information abundantly useful in your personal path of ascension.


And if a College of Physicians is a useful institution, because it contemplates bodily healthy, why is not an Academical Body, though it were simply and solely engaged in imparting vigor and beauty and grasp to the intellectual portion of our nature?...


This academically sound, practically useful study shows that what you eat is just as important as how much you eat.


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Useful Chamber
Useful Idiot

The commercials enigmatically depicted various scenes from what appeared to be a short narrative that climaxed with a car crashing into a swimming pool.


If you are wanting the best, designer gold and diamond necklaces are the very best.


Our country's deserts mainly lie in arid and semiarid areas, mostly with scarce precipitation and lack of water resource, neither natural vegetation with relatively strong drought-resistance capability nor plantation, like diversifolious poplar, dryland willow, shrubby sand willow, saxoul and Hedysarum mongolicum Turcz,etc., can be protected effectively, this leads to desertification area expansion and frequent sand storm, which seriously affect people's work and life.
