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The results showed that trocars had been widely used in patients receiving infusion at different departments and with different diseases; complications were related with retention time (P=0.000); there was significant difference in complications resulted from infusion of hypertonic and general liquid (P=0.000); there was no blood stream infection in this surveillance.


Methods Operating trocars (5mm) were chosen for the surgery with electric coagulation on appendix mesenterium without titanium clip.


Dr. McCarus and colleagues followed the outcomes of 446 women (mean age, 39.4 years) undergoing major or advanced laparoscopic gynecologic procedures and using 1,091 bladeless trocars at 749 larger trocar sites (562 paramedial, 185 umbilicus). At least one trocar was placed paramedially without fascial closure in each patient.


The development of novel suturing instruments, trocars, articulating instruments, flexible bipolar forceps, flexible clips, magnetic devices, and staplers as well as the advent of manual mechanical manipulators for flexible accessories is outlined.


Laparoscopic hilar dissection and portoenterostomy was accomplished with four trocars.

于脐部纵切口置入10mm Trocar,然后分别于右上腹、右中腹和左上腹置入3个5mm Trocar。

In group A of 62 patients , trocars were fixed by transparent tapes produced by 3 M company (3 M tape) and were padded with well-shaped iodophor tampon at the puncturing site.


Methods:One way is to provide two 5mm Trocars in umbilicus for a laparoscope and operative instruments and another 5mm Trocar in the right lower quadrant or just below the umbilicus for assistant instrument.

方法一:沿脐上、下缘各做5mm横行切口,各穿刺5mm Trocar,分别供5mm腹腔镜和操作器械进出,另在右下腹或脐正下方穿刺5mm Trocar,置入直径5mm抓钳用于协助牵引胆囊,用普通腹腔镜器械和超声刀完成胆囊切除;最后将脐部2戳孔合二为一,取出胆囊。

Two 10 mm trocars and one 5 mm trocar were placed in the lumber part. The renal artery and vein were exposed and dissected. Both renal arteries and veins were secured by placing 2 clips (13 mm Hem-n-luck) on the patient side and 1 clip (13 mm Hem-o-lock) distally on specimen side.

根据肾动脉搏动找到并分离出肾动脉,游离肾动脉至适当长度,用13 mm威克外科结扎锁(Hem-o-lok, Weck Closure Systems)处理肾动脉,肾动脉近心端以2枚夹闭,远心端以1枚夹闭,切断肾动脉,同法处理肾静脉。

Treating varicocele by microlaparoscopy with two trocars DONG Xiaoqiang,LIAO Yu,SHAO Jianbin.Xiamen Siming Hospital,Xiamen 361000,China

作者:作者:董小强,廖宇,邵建斌作者单位:厦门市思明区医院,福建厦门,361000 来源:医学期刊/外科学收藏本文章

Treating varicocele by microlaparoscopy with two trocars DONG Xiaoqiang,LIAO Yu,SHAO Jianbin.


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