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与 transmit 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A shaft must have adequate torsion al strength to transmit torque and not be overstressed.


Congress then has 60 days from the date the extension is due to expire to adopt and transmit to the President a joint resolution of disapproval.


It seems unlikely that genes actually transmit behavior as we observe it in the living animal because the course that an individual takes in its peregrinations through life must necessarily depend on environmental contingencies which could not have been "programmed and prepared for" in advance.


As we know, if one mode of the electromagnetic field is prepared in a squeezed state, the quantum fluctuation of one of its quadrature components can be lower than that of the corresponding part in a coherent state and that of the other is higher, and we can tune the signal-to-noise ratios of its quadrature components: one of the quadratures can be used to absorb the quantum-mechanical noise, while the other one serves to transmit an extremely well-defined signal.


This represents a fundamental mathematical limit on the best possible lossless data compression of any communication: considering a certain message as a series of realisations of a certain random variable (where the random variable can be "the next letter", or "the next word", or any other subdivision of text), the shortest number of bits necessary to transmit one message is the Shannon entropy of the corresponding random variable, multiplied by the number of realisations in the original text.

当然如果各个队夺冠的几率不等的话,那么熵则不会是5。因为如果从强队开始问问题,则不需要5个问题一般就可以得到答案。而根据哈夫曼编码的启发,我们表示这32个队,不需要平均长度为5的二进制位。从另外一个角度来看,熵作为信息量的大小也是表达能力的衡量,或者是不确定度的衡量和混乱程度的表现。为什么选择log来表示熵呢?如果X的表达能力为H,Y的表达能力为H,那么X+Y的表达能力应该是二者的乘积,所以H = H + H。

Phan notes that the system automatically reconfigures itself if there is a problem with a hardware channel. Another capability that distinguishes the F-35's communications system from JTRS radios is the ability to schedule, transmit and receive signals that would normally interfere with each other in a time-ordered fashion that avoids co-site issues.


The physical layer contains n channels which transmit the packets and retransmits packets upon failure to receive a corresponding acknowledgment for a given packet.


The transmitting station upon notification of a frame error retransmits the frame with an energy determined to minimize the total energy required to transmit the frame with a predetermined level of reliability.


This new, telegraphic writing style also influenced public speaking: short sound bites became popular because they were easier for stenographers to transcribe, and cheaper and quicker for reporters to transmit.


The history of FSK dates back to the early 1900s, when this technique was discovered and then used to work alongside teleprinters to transmit messages by radio.

历史上的FSK可以追溯到20世纪初叶,当这一技术被发现,然后用并肩工作, teleprinters传递信息,由电台

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Transmit Disrupt
Transmit Your Love

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
