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与 transcendental 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is the point that we have reached: it would seem that in every successful transcendental argument there must be at least one genuinely ampliative or synthetic step, which given its significance cannot simply be assumed (on pain of the argument being question-begging against the sceptic), and which – since it says more than any of the given premises – cannot be established deductively in the course of the argument.


But the content of a situated thought cannot be fully captured as propositional content: the content as delivered by the situatedness of the thinker essentially extends beyond anything that the mere propositional construal of the content can deliver.27 Because of this, although the over-all form of a transcendental argument might seem to be of a deductively valid argument e.g.

但是a situated thought的内容不能被完全把握为命题内容:内容作为被思者的situatedness给出,本质上超出了对纯粹的命题解释所能给出的内容。

It is also interesting to note that arguments of this sort are derivable from a number of historically significant lines of reasoning not usually associated with transcendental argumentation.


I never had the great fortune to have been a part of that transcendental devotional service.


Software Description: XCCalc is a Floating-Point calculator program with the following features:- Can calculate with complex numbers like z = x + i*y - Extra precision to millions of decimal places - Uses Fast Hartley Transform to speed-up long multiplies - Separate input and output notation, base 2 to base 36 - Efficient Transcendental functions - Hyperbolic functions - Greatest Common Divisor function.

XCCalc XPCalc 是一款带有下列功能的浮点计算器软件:可以计算诸如 z = x + i*y 这样的复杂算术公式;带有数百万小数位的额外精度;使用 Fast Hartley Transform 以加速长乘法计算;基于2到36个单独的输入和输出表记法;高效的验算函数;双曲线函数;最大公约数函数。

So his final dramas became "transcendental," in the way that the dramatization of man's effort in finding the secret of life results in a reconciliation with the tragic impossibility.


Specifically, transcendental reduction is necessitated by the relationship between phenomenology and anthropology. Eidetic reduction, intuition of essence and ideation, is necessitated by the relationship between phenomenology and psychology.


As showed in our research work, the new method has unique advantages, which other approaches do not have for transcendental eigenvalue problem and is a valuable research topic


In the area of relations between population and productive forces, Elster misreads Marx's three literally different arguments, which he thinks are logically inconsistent and disordering. The misreading is rooted in his rigid contrast among Marx's empirical description, transcendental criticism and independent stand-point of philosophical anthropology.


The book not only fully demonstrates Emersonian ideas of self-reliance but also develops and tests Thoreau's own transcendental philosophy.


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Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental Light
Transcendental Reunion
Transcendental Highway
Transcendental Blues
Meditation Mama (Transcendental Woman Travels)
Transcendental Youth

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
