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与 tetanus 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tetanus is commonly known as lockjaw because of its characteristic symptoms which include tightening of the muscles in the face.

破伤风是俗称 lockjaw 是因为其特征症状,其中包括紧缩的肌肉,在面对。

The stated purpose was to protect against Tetanus or Lockjaw, a painful sometimes lethal infectious reaction to external wounds or cuts.


In respect of clinical application, this pattern of therapy is not only for curing tumour and cancer, but also for refrain from matrix heroin and curing other diseases, such as AIDS, SARS, Lyssa , Leprosy , syphilis , tetanus , osteoporosis , obstinate skin disease and epilepsy.

在临床应用方面,这套疗法不仅治疗肿瘤癌症,可彻底戒除毒品海洛因,还可以治疗其他疾病,例如,艾滋病、非典型肺炎、狂犬病、麻风病、梅毒淋病、破伤风菌感染、骨质增生、顽固性皮肤病、癫痫病等奇难杂症,并且从理论上完全可以使罹患"甲型 H1N1流感"病人在短期内痊愈。

The proportion of staffs with college degrees or higher increased 18.6 %. The proportion of public health doctor was 9.7% in 1998 and was 8.7% in 2005. The educational level of village doctors did not change and more than half of them received the education of high school or special secondary school.(3) Compared to 1998, the immunization coverage rate of 2005 was increased. The highest incidence rate of infectious diseases appeared in 2005 and it was 3.953‰, and the lowest was 2.083‰in 2001. From 1998 to 2005, incidence of Hepatitis and Tuberculosis increased quickly. The incidence of Measles fluctuated greatly in theyears of 1998 to 2005 and the incidence of Pertussis and Tetanus keeped a low level.(4) When falling ill, the rural residents preferred the Village health departments. 310 residents know Iodine Deficiency Disorders , 73.8% of investigated school-age children had ever took parasiticide.

调查地区2005年与1998年相比,单苗接种率与五苗接种率均有提高,各县法定传染病发病率,2005年最高,为万分之39.53,2001年最低,为万分之20.83;调查的8个目标县,1998年~2005年计划免疫相关传染病,病毒性肝炎、肺结核发病率增高,麻疹发病率波动很大,百日咳、新生儿破伤风发病率保持在较低的水平; 4、村卫生室是农村居民首选的医疗机构,在患病后经常就诊的机构中,村卫生室选及率达68.3%,其次是乡卫生院,为42.3%;调查的居民中,有310名知道碘缺乏病,知晓率仅为39.6%;被调查居民中有607人家有学龄儿童,在这些学龄儿童中,448人曾服用过驱虫药,药物驱虫率为73.8%;曾发生过肠道寄生虫感染的儿童173名,肠道寄生虫感染率为28.5%。

Class-B infectious disease : Infective SARS, AIDS, virus hepatitis, polio, people are infected with the high risk bird flu , measles, popularity bleeds hotly, rabies, Japanese Type-B encephalitis, dengue fever, anthrax, bacillary with the amoeba dysentery, pulmonary tuberculosis, typhoid fever and paratyphoid, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, whooping cough , diphtheria , neonate tetanus , scarlet fever , cloth getting stupid fungus disease , gonorrhoea , syphilis , leptospirosis , snail fever , malaria.


These shots provide immunity from tetanus, as well as from diphtheria and pertussis for about 10 years.


Widespread use of this modified toxoid began in the 1940s when it was combined with the tetanus and pertussis vaccines.


The diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccines are usually combined into a single formula.


It is applied to treat tetanus, emphysematous phlegmon, omunono, syphilis, gonococcal urethritis, cervicitis, hepatic typhus, Actinomyces and Listeria monocytogenes infections.


Health centers for women and children were set up throughout China from the 1950s to the 1960s and new methods for child delivery as a major measure for controlling puerperal fever and tetanus neonatorum have been crowned with remarkable success.


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