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与 terror-striking 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It has been acknowledged worldwide that the US "war on terror" is aimed at protecting US politico-military and economic interests world wide.


The chants and gestures of these revelers, so ambiguous in their motivation, represented an absolute novum in the world of the Homeric Greeks; their Dionysian music, in especial, spread abroad terror and a deep shudder.


In the five years since 9/11, a clear-cut and well-supported "war on terror" declared by President Bush has become confused and divisive.


Bush's "war on terror" and scare tactics have eroded American liberties and left us more, not less, fearful.


As Bush put the nation on war footing, he also raised the terror alert to the second-highest level, warning that terrorists may strike U.S. interests at home or abroad in response to action against Iraq.


Dante, I think, committed a crude blunder when, with a terror-inspiring ingenuity, he placed above the gateway of his hell the inscription "I too was created by eternal love"—at any rate, there would be more justification for placing above the gateway to the Christian Paradise and its "eternal bliss" the inscription "I too was created by eternal hate "—provided a truth may be placed above the gateway to a lie!


The ghost of natural stone xiang skirt summer snow SunYi in peoples mind, the terror of the HaiRenBuJian, however, since the demons, by people who have become, after the death of the wicked, a natural also have good spirits of evil spirits.


She and the administration could begin to engage India by taking its concerns about Pakistan-supported terror in Kashmir and elsewhere seriously, by eschewing any temptation to mediate the Kashmir dispute, by working more closely with New Delhi on stabilizing Afghanistan, and by stepping up the pace on bilateral discussions about renewable energy technology cooperation.


"I used to live in terror of the unknown, but I've realized that you can't control things," says Kathryn, who sang in her family's gospel music group, Morris Code, as a child. You have to surrender and believe that things will be taken care of by God or the universe. If you put yourself out there and you're doing something active to break patterns, you will get something that you wouldn't have gotten if you didn't step outside the box.

&我曾经生活在对于未知的恐惧中,但后来我意识到,你必须能控制事情的发展&KM说(KM小时候层跟随她的家庭福音合唱团——Morris Code一起四处演唱)你必须承认和相信时间万物将被上帝和宇宙所掌控,如果你把自己置身之外,并且做一些打破常规的事,你将会受到一些你本不会受到的惩罚。

And more than 30 site staff are also different degree of terror, now undergo counseling.


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Protectors Of Terror
Teutonic Terror
Echoes Of Terror
Terror Dome
Slash Gash Terror Crew Anthem!
Death Walking Terror
Bodom Beach Terror
Shock And Terror
The Terror Serves A Purpose

I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
