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BY MANY measures, prospects for unpicking the Middle East's intertwined tangles look as slim as ever.


William Barley (1565?– 1614) was an English bookseller and publisher. He completed an apprenticeship as a draper in 1587, but was soon working in the London book trade. As a freeman of the Drapers' Company, he was embroiled in a dispute between it and the Stationers' Company over the rights of drapers to function as publishers and booksellers. He found himself in legal tangles throughout his life.


A man rides an angry cow in Cape York Peninsula, a place of extremes that has been dubbed "The Land of Wait Awhile" by cattle drovers who are often ensnared in the region's thorny tangles.


A man rides an angry cow in Cape York Peninsula, a place of extremes that has been dubbed "The Land of Wait Awhile" by cattle drovers who are often ensnared in the region's thorny tangles.


A man rides an angry cow in Cape York Peninsula, a place of extremes that has been dubbed "The Land of Wait Awhile" by cattle drovers who are often ensnared in the region's thorny tangles.


My hair tangles all the time after I had it permed last week.


Objective: This study investigated olfactory function disorder in Canadian potential AD patients through measuring the detection threshold and recognition threshold, of the potential AD patients and the matched controls by Five Odorants Test; and evaluated whether the senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and neuropil threads , which were the typical pathological changes of AD, presented in the olfactory mucosa of potential AD patients.

老年性痴呆中有75%为阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease, AD),AD 是一种神经细胞退行性疾病,原因不明,临床以进行性记忆丧失和后天获得的知识丧失,病程逐渐发展直至完全丧失生活能力为特征。其病因是多原性的。尽管AD 的描述已达90 年之久,但要在早期检出此病仍是一个难题,所以,改进其临床诊断程序、途径非常重要。当今广泛用于AD 诊断的诸多标准中均未明确提及嗅觉的改变,然而众多国外文献资料表明,几乎所有的AD 患者发病早期甚至在临床前期即表现嗅觉识别阈的改变,可见对此深入研究有助于AD 患者的早发现、早诊断。

Tangles of seaweed lure a flock of sheep from Iona's green slopes down to the beach for a mineral-rich graze.


Tangles of seaweed lure a flock of sheep from Iona's green slopes down to the beach for a mineral-rich graze.


Tangles of seaweed lure a flock of sheep from Iona's green slopes down to the beach for a mineral-rich graze.


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The big eared hedgehog, the little owl, the sand gecko, the three-toed jerboa, and every show needs a villain - saw-scale - the viper!


Plasmodiophora brassicae ; resting spores ; density gradient centrifugation of sucrose ; ultrasonic disruption


Article 14 After the death of an employee or retiree, the balance of his individual enterprise annuities account shall be drawn out in a lump sum by the beneficiary or legal heir designated by him.
