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与 tactics 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Our best bet's to fight with hit-and-run tactics.


Among other things, it reviews regularly tactics used in crowd management and riot control.


Our principles are our north star," she said,"but our tools and tactics must be flexible.


Baden-Powell's unusual tactics, such as having his men pretend to avoid landmines and barbed wire around the garrison, fooled the Boers into thinking the British had such defences.


In Japan, the buccaneering tactics of corporate raiders such as the disgraced Takafumi Horie and the unravelling of cross-shareholdings that long shielded local groups from takeover have left boardrooms fearing that the next wave of "Anglo-Saxon" capitalism could be the real thing.


Louise Arbour, head of the International Crisis Group, says the Sri Lanka model consists of three parts: what she dubs "scorched-earth tactics"(full operational freedom for the army, no negotiations with terrorists, no ceasefires to let them regroup); next, ignoring differences between combatants and non-combatants (the new Icg report documents many such examples); lastly, the dismissal of international and media concerns.


If, in the absence of these movements, the landlords, rich peasants, counterrevolutionaries, bad elements and monsters were all allowed to crawl out, while our cadres were to shut their eyes to all this and in many cases fail even to differentiate between the enemy and ourselves but were to collaborate with the enemy and were corrupted, divided and demoralized by him, if our cadres were thus pulled out or the enemy were able to sneak in, and if many of our workers, peasants, and intellectuals were left defenseless against both the soft and the hard tactics of the enemy, then it would not take long, perhaps only several years or a decade, or several decades at most, before a counterrevolutionary restoration on a national scale inevitably occurred, the Marxist-Leninist party would undoubtedly become a revisionist party or a fascist party, and the whole of China would change its color.


If, in the absence of these movements, the landlords, rich peasants, counterrevolutionaries, bad elements and monsters were all allowed to crawl out, while our cadres were to shut their eyes to all this and in many cases fail even to differentiate between the enemy and ourselves but were to collaborate with the enemy and were corrupted, divided and demoralized by him, if our cadres were thus pulled out or the enemy were able to sneak in, and if many of our workers, peasants, and intellectuals were left defenseless against both the soft and the hard tactics of the enemy, then it would not take long, perhaps only several years or a decade, or several decades at most, before a counterrevolutionary restoration on a national scale inevitably occurred, the Marxist-Leninist party would undoubtedly become a revisionist party or a fascist party, and the whole of China would change its color.


He describes their programs and, tactics , and, for those unfamiliar with the ways of creationists


He describes their programs and, tactics, and, for those unfamiliar with the ways of creationists, t


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Survival Tactics
Temple Tactics

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
