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与 suite 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Czarina Suite is part of our budget range of self-catering apartments, located in a budget residential apartment complex in colourful, cosmopolitan Maylands, bordering the trendy restaurant strip of Inglewood.

Czarina Suite公寓属於经济型客房,干净舒适,位於市中心外围绚丽多彩的国际化住宅区Maylands,毗邻时尚的餐厅区Inglewood。

Software Description: About Compare Suite, This program provides file and folder comparison with merge and reporting abilities.

Compare Suite 这个工具软件提供文件和文件夹比较及合并,还包括报告能力。

The FunkyMD Suite aims to provide tools for titling, editing, recording and remote controlling MiniDiscs using a portable MiniDisc recorder such as the Sony MZR-900 and a self- made interface for the parallel port.

FunkyMD Suite目标是提供标题烫印、编辑、记录和遥控操作唱片的工具,使用一个便携式的唱片记录机,如:索尼的MZR-900和一个自做的并行端口界面。

With Vector NTI Suite, Omiga and DNAStar softwares, some properties of norB protein of X16 were forecasted and analysized.

最后,我们应用VectorNTI Suite、Omiga、DNAStar等软件,对X16菌株表达的norB蛋白的某些特性做了预测和分析。

Those formed during the flare-up period, i.e., the Pana Formation, however, show significant geochemical variations from low-K tholeiitic through calc-alkaline to shoshonitic compositions coupled with increasing enrichment in LREEs. Therefore, the volcanic successions are divided into four suites, namely, calc-alkaline suite, low-K suite, high-REE suite and shoshonitic suite.

在大喷发时期产生的火山岩最不均质,组成从低钾拉斑质、钙碱质变化到钾玄质,并且呈现不同程度的轻稀土元素富集,我们据此可将本期林子宗火山岩区分为钙碱质系列(calc-alkaline suite)、低钾系列(low-K suite)、高稀土系列(high-REE suite)和钾玄系列四类。

When used together with Geographic Imager for Adobe Photoshop, they form the perfect vector/raster mapping package for the Adobe Creative Suite.

当使用地理Adobe Photoshop的成像在一起,形成完美的向量的Adobe Creative Suite /栅格地图包。

Seattle Post-Intelligencer tried to use and review Microsoft Works Suite 2006, and found that overall, Works Suite 2006 is suited for people who don't need much kick and don't want to buy separate programs for their home needs.

西雅图邮Intelligencer )企图利用和审查的Microsoft Works Suite 2006 ,发现整体而言,工务套房2006年,是适合人谁不需要很多踢和不想购买单独的程序,为他们的家的需要。

Suites can have setup and teardown functions which are automatically called before and after running the suite's tests.


Software Description: About ePrivacy Suite, This program secures and encrypts your e-mails and attachments.

ePrivacy Suite 该软件可以保护和加密你的电子邮件和附件。

Privacy Suite is used by federal agencies, the US Army and Navy, and the United Nations.


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Overwhelming World Suite: Overwhelming World / Come Back / Barstow
The Al Capone Suite
Traveler Suite
D.W. Suite
The Foreigner Suite
I'm Gonna Find You (Osla Suite)
Fire Suite 1
Fire Suite 3
Fire Suite Reprise
Suite: Judy Blue Eyes

The commercials enigmatically depicted various scenes from what appeared to be a short narrative that climaxed with a car crashing into a swimming pool.


If you are wanting the best, designer gold and diamond necklaces are the very best.


Our country's deserts mainly lie in arid and semiarid areas, mostly with scarce precipitation and lack of water resource, neither natural vegetation with relatively strong drought-resistance capability nor plantation, like diversifolious poplar, dryland willow, shrubby sand willow, saxoul and Hedysarum mongolicum Turcz,etc., can be protected effectively, this leads to desertification area expansion and frequent sand storm, which seriously affect people's work and life.
