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与 succession 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The quasi-democratic Republic turned into the dictatorial Roman Empire and was ruled by a succession of Emperors.


Soon a great succession of inventions appeared,such as the wireless telegraph,telephone,tele-fax and television.


Soon a great succession of invention appeared, such as the wireless telegraph, telephoto, tele-fax and television.


Recently, they obtained wind to throw continuity support in succession, happy net is the central point that makes industry attention with the financing of the 2nd round of 20 million dollar more.


The main researching contents included as following:relationships betweenspecies diversity,community richness,vegetation succession,soil volume weight,solu-ble Na+concentration and five soil chemical elements(N、P、K、Ca、Mg)concentrationwith grazing intensities in the grassland.Relationships between concentrations,re-serve pools of plant nutrient materials,including five macroelements(N、P、K、Ca、Mg),crude protein,crude fibre,crude fat and total nonstructural carbohydrate,and their allocations in defferent plant parts with grazing intensities in thegrassland.Effects of grazing on Leymus chinensis population were also examined andthat more attentions were paid on the responses of many biological characteristics ofabove-and below-ground plant modules to different grazing intensities.Furthermore,in the respects of plant production,survival rate,tillering ability,total nonstructuralcarbohydrates content and others,the effects of one years different defoliationpatterns on the vitality of Leymus chinensis population were detected.


Stuart Pimm , an ecologist at the University of Tennessee, compares succession paths -- such as the classic series of fire, weed, pine, broadleaf trees -- to well-rehearsed assembly sequences that the players have played many times.


Stuart Pimm, an ecologist at the University of Tennessee, compares succession paths -- such as the classic series of fire, weed, pine, broadleaf trees -- to well-rehearsed assembly sequences that the players have played many times.


Stuart Pimm, an ecologist at the University of Tennessee, compares succession paths -- such as the classic series of fire, weed, pine, broadleaf trees -- to well-rehearsed assembly sequences that the players have played many times.


The short boards allowed sudden turning in rapid succession, so that it was possible to turn back up to the top of a wave and then bounce off it.


Firstly, according to study dynamic changes of the elements structures in succession about natural and artificial forest, then summarized regular patterns;at the same time.based on the study of Coupling Relationship between structure and function of water conservation forest established the ideal structures from the stand level and the watershed level. The ideal structures from the stand level: uneven-aged, double layer and mixed structure, and trend to natural forest. The watershed level followed the same principle, that is double layer patches, uneven-aged forest well-distributed and to build up different forest patches in watershed.


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My Life Is A Succession Of People Saying Goodbye

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
