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In the end, Liuxiang succeeded in winning the first place at the 100-metre hurdle race.


He had succeeded especially in winning over to his ideas the influential and numerous family of Arnauld of Andilly, notably Mère Angélique Arnauld, Abbess of Port-Royal, and through her the religious of that important convent.

他已成功地特别是在赢得了他的思想的影响和众多家庭的阿尔诺的Andilly ,尤其是仅仅安琪莉阿尔诺,住持港皇家,并通过她的宗教这一重要的修道院。

Around 202 Clement was succeeded in the Catechetical School by the much abler Origen.


They succeeded in forcing the Bill's acceptance and immediate enactment.


I cannot say that these acrobatics succeeded.


As the acuteness of this remorse began to die away, it was succeeded by a sense of joy


In 1858 Bradlaugh succeeded Holyoake as president of the London Secular Society, and in 1866 enlarged the scope of this association by founding the National Secular Society, over which he presided until 1890, when he was succeeded by Mr.

在1858布拉德洛成功holyoake主席在伦敦的世俗社会,并在1866年扩大了范围,这个协会的成立,由国家世俗社会,其中,他主持,直到1890年,当他成功地由先生毛重foote ,实际的主席。

He succeeded Julianus in the proconsulship, was his colleague in the consulship and also succeeded him as emperor.


This useful exercise of writing was accompanied and succeeded by the more pleasing occupation of reading the best authors.

succeeded 的理解固然不对。句子的安排上,两层意思分开来表达更好。即

Henry IV was in turn succeeded by his son, Henry V, who was succeeded by his son, Henry VI.


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BHA: including a solder, the composite films and diamond drill bits, and the hollow steel drill pipe.


It has 3 molecular distillation production lines also and processes about 140 tons fish oil .


Many Kinds of syn-sedimentary deformation structures have been found in seismite, including stepmicro-faults, micro-corrugated laminations, vibrational liquefaction sandstone and clay veins,loadingstructure, flamboyancy structure and so on. By the analysis of seismite of single well,seismite sequence have been put forward.
