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与 studio 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Moreover, Visual Studio 2008 lets you provide help information on JavaScript code using C# comment template.

此外,Visual Studio 2008中,您可以提供帮助的JavaScript使用C#注释模板。

This uses the Dark Clearlooks theme (can't seem to find it now)+ Ubuntu Studio icons I received from an install of Epidermis. The system monitors are conky.

它用是的黑色清爽主题(现在似乎找不到它的出处了)外加我安装Epidermis时获得的Ubuntu Studio图标。

Each target has a different set of parameters, they are described in detail on the project's homepage, and context-sensitive Intellisense is also available in Visual Studio.

每个目标有不同的参数设置,他们详细介绍了该项目的网页,和上下文敏感的智能感知,也可在Visual Studio。"/页"

Observing that I am at my breakpoint, I want to disassemble the code to see what Visual Studio is doing.

观测,我在我的断点时,我要反汇编代码,看看Visual Studio是做什么。

Author discussed some key technology of application system development, software architecture, discreteness technology, XML,Visual Studio.

在系统的研究开发中,作者探索了软件体系结构、组件技术、XML、Visual Studio。

You can type the below thing through your dos prompt on "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Tools\Bin".

您可以键入下面的东西通过你的DOS提示符下在"C:\ Program Files文件\微软的Visual Studio 8 \ Common7 \工具\本"。

The downside is that you need to know how to use Visual Studio to do it.

坏处是,你需要知道如何使用Visual Studio这样做。

The DTE is the top level object in the Visual Studio automation object model, and allows us to retrieve file, class

的DTE是在Visual Studio自动化对象模型的顶层对象,使我们能够检索文件,阶级

Classic floating window, similar to the VC Studio interface elements and powerful.

经典的浮动窗口,类似于VC Studio的界面元素,功能强大。

We adopt distributed and multicenter form in hardware, and in software, use Visual Basic language and Measurement Studio language, adopt module and gradational way of software integration, So, the maintainability of software is improved and development period is shorted.

在硬件方面采用了分布式、多通道的搭建形式,而在软件方面则使用了Visual Basic和Measurement Studio语言并采用模块化、层次化的软件集成方式,提高了软件的可维护性,缩短了开发周期。

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Studio Musician
Home Studio (Back Up In This Bitch)
Time To Burn (Studio Track)
Elias (Live In Studio)
Interlude En Studio
A Night In The Studio
Shimmy Shimmy Ya (Studio Ton Remix)
The Studio Commissary
Dallas (Studio) (Trees)

If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
