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与 smallpox 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pasteur realized he had achieved with chicken cholera what Jenner had accomplished with smallpox some 100 years earlier, only in this case he had attenuated the pathogen by prolonged storage.


Smallpox is not related to chicken pox, which is a milder disease and is caused by a different virus.


He found that smallpox could be prevented by inoculation with the substance from cowpox lesions.


He found that smallpox could be prevented by inoculation with the substance from cowpox lesion s.


Any of a group of DNA-containing viruses, including those that cause smallpox, cowpox, and other poxlike diseases in vertebrates.


This is because the material in cowpox (a disease affecting the udders of cows), was injected into people to protect them against an attack of smallpox.


Jimmy caught cowpox and soon got better, but later when he came near people who had smallpox he did not catch it, though other people did.


So Chinese people started to vaccinate cowpox. By the end of seventeen of twenty century, the smallpox was eradicated all over the world.


The boy then caught cowpox. Forty-eight days later Jenner inserted smallpox matter into the boy.


So he experimented by making a scratch on the arms of healthy people, infecting them with cowpox, and though their arms became sore for a day or two, they soon healed and none of these people ever got smallpox.


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