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与 sergeants 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A skullcap worn by nuns under a veil or by soldiers under a hood of mail or formerly by British sergeants-at-law.


In separate statements to the human rights organization, Captain Fishback and two sergeants described systematic abuses of Iraqi prisoners, including beatings, exposure to extremes of hot and cold, stacking in human pyramids and sleep deprivation at Camp Mercury, a forward operating base near Falluja.

& &在分别发表声明,向人权组织, fishback船长和两名警长形容系统的虐待伊拉克囚犯,包括殴打,暴露於极端的冷热,堆放在人类金字塔和睡眠剥夺营汞,前瞻性的作业基地在费卢杰附近。

MEEHAN: Drill sergeants, take charge.


About 20 percent of the commando units' personnel are professional soldiers, mostly specialist sergeants, and the rest are conscripts.


The people bin Laden believed deserved to die just because they were Americans included a career diplomat I had met twice and his son; a woman who had just spent her vacation caring for her aged parents; an Indian-born foreign service officer who had traveled the world working for her adopted country; an epidemiologist working to save African children from disease and death; a mother of three small children; a proud new grandmother; an accomplished jazz musician with a day job in the foreign service; an embassy administrator who had married a Kenyan; and three sergeants, one each in the army, the air force, and the Marine Corps.


March discipline had to be enforced by tough corporals and sergeants more than by orders from the top.


Forces. Officers lead infantry squads -- a job done by corporals or sergeants in the U.S. military.


And lower than the general Military norms; Private soldiers and corporals get significantly higher scores than sergeants; Service. art, and communication soldiers showed relatively lower mental healthy level; those from rural area get higher scores than those from urban area.


Here, to witness the scene which we are describing, sat Governor Bellingham himself, with four sergeants about his chair, bearing halberds, as a guard of honour.


Here, to witness the scene which we are describing, sat Governor Bellingham himself, with four sergeants about his chair, bearing halberds, as a guard of honour.

今天,为了 dd dtt。 com 目睹我们 sSBbWw 上面所描写的场面,贝灵汉总督亲自坐阵,椅子后面站着四个持朝的警卫充当仪仗。

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
