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与 serenading 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

U2 fans braved the frigid cold serenading each other with old hits as they waited hours for the band to show up Tuesday.

星期二,歌迷顶着寒冷守候了几个小时,等待着 U2乐队的到来,最终他们没有失望。

If the editor's brother had wanted to appreciate something slimmer and better-looking, he could have done worse than notice the girl playing the saxophone in the band serenading us, who was younger, prettier and more talented than me.


At the same time, he's drumming up interest – and serenading financial backers – for what he calls his dream project: a series of singing sand "galleries" to be introduced to Chinese urban audiences and then, he hopes, imported to Europe and North America.


The singers were serenading the visitors on the gondola.


Val is a singer and a hustler…a man on the run, not a man with a lute serenading a nymph.


Berlusconi is well-known for bursting into song, once serenading Russian President Vladimir Putin during talks—although his vocal talents will not be featured on the recording.


The rain is so very happy, Once in a while serenading, Meandering the creek slowly Around the greenish hillside. Why can't I be as blissful as that light breeze Or like that drizzle singing once in a while?


The Wind and The Rain The breeze is so very happy, Serenading often, From dawn to dusk, Till the Moon appears.


The actor - who tied the knot with the actress in Italy this month - has reportedly decided to release a rendition of You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling with Katie after serenading his new wife with the tune at their wedding reception.


He left the field to a standing ovation that morphed into the Bleacher Creatures serenading Blue Jays standout center fielder Vernon Wells with chants of "Melky's better" when he took the field.

之后当他离场时,全场的观众起立为他鼓掌喝采,整个球场欢声雷动;换场之后当蓝鸟的中外野手 Vernon Wells 上场时,观众又开始唱起了数来宝:「牛奶比你好、牛奶比你棒!

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
