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rather good相关的网络例句

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与 rather good 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results showed that the two synthesized compounds have good thermal stability; two synthesized compounds as additives in 5 cst possess rather good antiwear property and load-carrying capacity, and the antiwear ability of the additive loma is stronger than that of the additive boma; there is a pronounced synergism between the additives loma/boma and zddp in terms of the anti-wear property and load-carrying capacity.

发现两种化合物有很好的热稳定性;两种化合物作为润滑油添加剂在5 mm2/s基础油中有相当好的抗磨性能和承载能力,其中含有三嗪环的抗磨添加剂比不含三嗪环的抗磨能力好;两种抗磨添加剂均与zddp有很好的协同抗磨减摩作用。

Considering that the speech was off the cuff , it was rather good.


Considering that the speech was off the cuff, it was rather good.


Gatling was rather good at selling his guns.


He's about 28, I think, and is rather good-looking.


Despite the piercings and spiky hairdos of Good Charlotte frontmen Joel and Benji Madden, the filth and the fury of punk are not in evidence on The Young and the Hopeless. Rather, Good Charlotte lean toward the sunny power pop favored by the lighter Huntingdon Beach, California, outfits. Nevertheless, with the title track and "The Anthem"("I'm just a minor threat"), the band appeals directly to high-school outsiders.

Good Charlotte,这支来自美国东海岸马里兰州的五人流行朋克团体,在2000年发表首张同名专辑《Good Charlotte》时,由於他们阳光俊朗的外型、加上爽劲悦耳的动听旋律,於是就有人把他们的队名译为"优质果冻",俨然一副新好男孩的偶像架势。

Used to detect memory leakage problems, it is a rather good one source!


We have found in chapter 3 that LiMn〓O〓 appeared on the surface of LiMnBO glass particales by long time annealing at glass transition temperature have rather good cycling ability.


It's rather a / a rather good idea .


This kind of sorbent has good regenerable property. It can keep rather good adsorption ability after ten times regeneration.


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If Pentium 4 used to be the master of all games built on Quake3 engine, now the situation has changed completely.


No, this is not what we mean by framing, although the principle is the same.


As we walked up a steep, rocky trail, he fell and uttered a mild expletive.
