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put in for相关的网络例句

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与 put in for 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pour a few oil in bowl, after heating, put in the egg in the bowl carefully, can be in at this moment of the egg all round asperse on the hot water of a few, poached eggs will more complete, more beautiful, asperse on a few salt, pepper, when ripe the poached eggs that fills an edible later is part of bosseyed decoct yoke do not have completely ripe, its slippery light touch is dye-in-the-wood nevertheless, a lot of people love to eat; If wait for poached eggs one side ripe, turn over a face to continue the poached eggs with ripe decoct calls two sides decoct at this moment because the brim is in in boiler heating time is longer, can produce cooking phenomenon so, mouthfeel is more fragile, this is another kind of our choice.


He had come to feel an inexplicable love for this all but complete stranger; she seemed a child to him, a child someone had put in a bulrush basket daubed with pitch and sent down-stream for Tomas to fetch at the riverbank of his bed.

现在 ,又回到我刚刚描述过的时刻,也是他人生中最关键的时刻:站在窗前,目光穿过院子落在对面的墙上,六神无主。

Eight regression equations are put forward for estimating wither height, trunk length and heart girth and live-weight by given footprint distance and footprint size. 10 Under the same feeding conditions, there are certain differences of behavior between wild and domestic pigs in intake, drinking, gregariousness, maternity, sexuality, excretion, sleeping, searching, sheltering, and etc. These difference require reasonable layout, scientific management in enclosure to satisfy the special requirements of wild pig behavior for the environment.


The characteristics of postures, crown form, branch appearance and the leaf shape of Syringa oblata were analyzed by practical measurement of individual plant Mathematic method and model were adopted to analyze the sample data and deeply explore the vegetation quantity of Syringa oblata in Harbin. A quantitative method was put forward for vegetation quantity of Syringa oblata distributed in Harbin and the information management system of vegetation quantity of Syringa oblata for Harbin has been established.


A split may prove no more than postponed, as the agreed mechanisms for making minds meet are oh-so-slowly put in place. But at least the unedifying spectacle of comrades in Christ tearing strips off each other over gay sex will vanish from the headlines for a bit.


Having spread the quilt and folded my night-dress, I went to the window-seat to put in order some picture-books and doll's house furniture scattered there; an abrupt command from Georgiana to let her playthings alone (for the tiny chairs and mirrors, the fairy plates and cups, were her property) stopped my proceedings; and then, for lack of other occupation, I fell to breathing on the frost-flowers with which the window was fretted, and thus clearing a space in the glass through which I might look out on the grounds, where all was still and petrified under the influence of a hard frost.


Aid agencies are popular symbols of national generosity witness the Tory commitment to ring-fence the Department for International Development's budget, even as they speak of inevitable spending cuts elsewhere and in principle should make better-informed decisions because they are in a position to put expert decision-makers on the ground.

援助机构是国家慷慨的象征,因此很受欢迎。英国保守党人在提出必须削减其它政府部门开支的同时,依然承诺将维持国际发展部(Department for International Development)的预算,就是一个例证。原则上,援助机构应该能够做出更为明智的决策,因为它们能够给专业决策人士提供实地考察的机会。

Density split method classes dust information by feature of dust storm in far-infrared band, which only describes qualitatively the intensity distribution of dust storm. Change Vector Analysis is a better method for detecting dust storm intensity, which requires highly for data qualitative and is hard to put in commercialization.


For example,electricity heating,light oil heating,deposed oil heating,vapor heating,infrared electricity heating and so on in order to adapt to the market demand,"XingHuo"barand painting-bake and injest house have successfully put in use at car made company、car amending and loading company,mechanic and works company,mechanic making company,glass and steel products company,furniture making company for etc.


Above all, quotation marks should not be used for ideas that you'd like to disown, things in the air so to speak, Nor should they be put in place around clich s; if you want to use a clich you must take full responsibility for it yourself and not try to job it off on anon.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
