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与 proud 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is a piece of work I can be proud of.


This is a piece of work i can be proud of .


I was Helen? Keller moved, touched on her "Three Days" power; I Dizi Hao Zhang, proud of her perseverance, raised his head to life, writing life; I Sunland proud, because my compatriots in the blood vessels, flowing a spirit called ecstasy, give awe of admiration.


Avoid doing things the same as what they do, do something that would do you proud , whereafter be proud of what you have done.


Postmarked from different places, they often begin the same way:"I am proud to be from a family of miners,""I am the son of a coal miner,""I am proud to be a coal miner's daughter."


Every one of your sons and daughters are proud of you, proud of you!


Established in January 1999, it's editor is longtime Western journalist, Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, who says "at this moment in time, I'm proud, very proud, to be writing for a Russian newspaper." On August 29, 2008, his opinion piece titled "Abkhazia, Georgia, Kosovo, South Ossetia and something called international law" presented a different view from the dominant US media's daily anti-Russian agitprop.

成立于1999年1月,它的编辑器是长期的西方记者,提摩太班克劳馥- hinchey ,谁说:&在这个时刻,在时间,我很骄傲,非常自豪,以写作为俄罗斯报&对2008年8月29日,他认为这块名为&格鲁吉亚阿布哈兹,科索沃,南奥塞梯和一些所谓的国际法&提出了不同的看法,从占主导地位的美国媒体的每日反俄agitprop 。

I know I have made you proud enough ever since I was a little little little boy drawing the countryside crayon, dancing the "difficult and giddy" Korean dance, winning my first overseas calligraphy exhibition opportunity in Russia, speaking the first ABC in front of you… and what you don't know is, it is not until now that I have realized how much indeed I am proud of you two!


Witnessing his fourth loss of the whole year and the first loss after 24 consecutive final wins, I tried to accept the cruelty with calmness. Witnessing him from being strong to weak to helpless, I felt a knife cutting my heart. Witnessing his super strong mental spirit and fortitude, I was touched into deep pain. Witnessing and hearing with my own ears the proud and champion words coming out of this indomitable man, Roger Federer doesn't pull out, I was speechless in describing this incredible man in front of me. Standing in front of him, telling him I'm so proud of him, and ending up everything with a most sincere and warm hands-shaking, even if it was not the expected and good result in the end, who can say it was not a perfect ending for me, just in a different way?

亲眼目睹他今年的第四场失利,二十四场决赛连胜后的第一场失败,我试着平静接受;亲眼目睹他由强大到力不从心到无奈的无助,我心如刀割;亲眼目睹他那非凡的超越常人的精神气和刚强的意志,我感动到心痛;亲眼看着亲耳听到这个顶天立地的男人吐出铿锵有力的字句Roger Federer doesn't pull out,我已经无法用言语来形容眼前这个不可思议的男人;在他面前,亲自告诉他我为他感到无比骄傲,最后以一个真诚而温暖的握手结束这一切,即使结局并不是我所期待的,但谁又能说这不是另一种完美呢?

I feel very proud, and maybe finally we shall not be victimised/bullied anymore. The White %26 Japs would not dare look down on us ever again.Thank you.Proud Chinese.


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Young And Proud
Proud To Be Here
Proud Of Your Boy
Proud Of Me
Ain't Too Proud To Beg
Death, Be Not Proud
Ain't To Proud To Beg
Keeping Rosie Proud Of Me
Proud Mary

At the rear was an innovative combination transaxle with the gearbox, clutch, differential, and inboard-mounted drum brakes.


For more people can apprecaite and have the master work, there is reproduction painting appears in the market, the large various selection of paint,the high saturation of color plus the plentiful sfumato, to make the reproduction perfect copy and detail as original painting, so as to meet the requirment of amateurs who love art paintings,they do not need to pay high price to get classical paintings.


I hope you can acquire blessedness...
