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与 populate 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The displacement of the biblical faith that once informed Western society by the Enlightenment faith that is undermining it provides the unifying theme for the various idolatries that populate our society.


Know your segment: read their magazines, know which celebrities they love and hate (beware, this changes very rapidly), know what delights and infuriates them, and populate your site with it.


Mysterium mages often populate their sanctums with Twilight objects, ready to be drawn forth using "Touch of the Grave" as needed.


The plasma affects the magnetic field, contributes to the "space weathering" of the planet's surface, and sputters material from the surface to populate the exosphere.


Few players can fill up a stat sheet like the absurdly athletic Smith, a 6-foot-9, 240-pounder whose vicious dunks and ferocious swats regularly populate the nightly highlights.


Competition may not be the law of death, but as the law of the marketplace and the radically individualistic people who populate it, it distorts and unhinges our common lives and slights the necessary role of cooperation and community in securing liberty.


One thing you should do is turn the event group Unit Combat to high and go melee a bit to populate that list with the 5 actions in your native language.

你要做的就是把事件组的Unit Combat调到高(译者注:详细参看显示效果面板)然后作一些近身格斗来关查在你的语言版本中5种战斗状态的名称列表。

The dual solder pot capability provides some interesting opportunities, such as, 1 the ability to populate the solder pots with different solder alloys, 2 operate the solder pots at different solder temperatures, or 3 use one as a gold scavenge solder pot and the other as a clean solder pot.


It can automatically populate Suspicious Activity Report forms for multiple regulatory bodies, including FinCEN in the United States, SOCA in the United Kingdom, and JAFIC in Japan.


To populate the sky with fish, Purver used stock models that he purchased and either retextured or animated in CINEMA 4D.

要让鱼生-活在天空中,帕沃使用了他购买储存-模型素材,并使用了CINEMA 4D重新处理使其变得生动。

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
