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The Empire's doctors work day and night to combat the sickness, but the plague defies all efforts at a cure.


Procopius'accurately and vividly recorded a series wars of Justinian such as the Persian war, the Vandal war, the Gothic war, the Moorish war and so on. In addition, he also recounted "nika"riot and a great plague in Constantinople in 530s and 540s.


Chapter 3 the Persian war, chapter 4 the Vandal war, chapter 5 the Gothic war are all about the same issue "Wars and Peace."By analyzing every war's cause, process, I then make a conclusion of Procopius'conception of history. Chapter 6 "Natural Calamity and Human Disaster"analyzes and discusses the Plague of Constantinople in 542-543 and "Nika riot"in 532. In chapter 7 "Legend, Customs and Natural Phenomena", besides a scrutiny of Procopius'history criticism, I examine and sum up three kinds of digressions in this work. The last chapter "Military and Religion"inquires into the military organization , armies of the services, equipments, strategy and tactics, weapons of Byzantine empire. This chapter also probes into the attitude of Procopius on Christian, heresies and paganism; The epilogue is a conclusion of this dissertation, making a systematic exposition on Procopius'conception of history.

对这三大战争的研究,笔者采用述论相结合的方法,首先分析各大战争爆发的原因,然后详细分析战争的过程,纠正普罗柯比的正误、讳言之处,通过与其他史料的相互对比还原历史真相,总结经验教训,最后,在每章的总结部分论述战争的结果及其对交战双方的影响,通过对具体内容的分析归纳总结普罗柯比的历史观;第六章&天灾与人祸&主要对《战记》中记载的542-543 年君士坦丁堡大瘟疫和532 年尼卡暴乱加以分析论述,通过普罗柯比与其他史家记载的对比探寻查士丁尼大瘟疫的起源、传播路径、症状、传染介质、死亡人数、政府对策及其影响等问题,通过对尼卡暴乱目击者记录的分析揭示尼卡暴乱爆发的原因、真实过程,对尼卡暴乱作出公允的评价;在第七章&神话传说、民族风俗和自然现象&中,通过普罗柯比对这三类插话描写的总结和评论,分析他的历史批判法;在最后一章&军事与宗教&中,剥开《战记》的表层内容,对其中蕴含的较深层次的思想内容进行研究,如拜占廷帝国的军队组织、兵种、装备、战略战术、军事武器等内容的探讨,同时也就普罗柯比对基督教和异教、异端的态度加以分析论述;最后的结语部分主要是作全文的总结,阐述普罗柯比的历史观。

This trade was centered in Haarlem during the height of a bubonic plague epidemic, which may have contributed to a culture of fatalistic risk taking.


The council hastily voted an adjournment to Bologna (March 10) to the fury of Charles V (who took for granted that the plague was mere excuse) and to the embarrassment of Paul III, who realised he would be held responsible for what was, in fact, in no way his doing.

安理会匆忙投休会到博洛尼亚( 3月10日)向愤怒的查尔斯五世(谁在想当然地认为是单纯的鼠疫藉口)和尴尬的保罗三,谁知道他将被追究责任是什麼,在事实上,他在没有办法做。

The council hastily voted an adjournment to Bologna (March 10) to the fury of Charles V (who took for granted that the plague was mere excuse) and to the embarrassment of Paul III, who realised he would be held responsible for what was, in fact, in no way his doing.

安理会匆忙表决押后博洛尼亚( 3月10日)向愤怒的查尔斯五世(人理所当然地认为,鼠疫是仅仅是借口),并在尴尬保罗三,他们意识到,他将负连带责任是什么,在事实上,在没有出路,他这样做。

Cure patients with baboonic plague, bipolarbear disorder, mother goose bumps, 3rd degree sideburns and many more, each with their own personalities and voices.


I will just instance the splendid Plague Pillar or Trinity Pillar on the ramparts of Vienna, the picture at the pilgrim shrine on Sonntagberg in Lower Austria, and the many pictures of the throne of mercy at the roadside or in the fields, in wayside shrines or chapels.


第50/50页 首页 < ... 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Class Plague
The Plague
Evisceration Plague
Damned In Any Language (A Plague On Words)
The New Plague
Dog Breath, In The Year Of The Plague
The Latest Plague
The New Plague
Plague Of Locusts

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
