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pit bottom相关的网络例句

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与 pit bottom 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The concept of visualized computer simulation is given in this paper. According to an example of appraising pit bottom coal bunker capacity, it introduces the advantages of VCS. It developed a new way for applying the computer simulation method.


A fougasse consists of a pit, sometimes dug at an angle, with gunpowder packed into the bottom and suitably wrapped to keep it dry. The hole is then backfilled with rubble and stones, taking care not to break the fuse, creating a huge "canister shot" weapon.


The new method has led to fame Courbet, Courbet Monet to see the outdoors for the completion of this giant, had dug in the garden has been a big pit in order to draw the upper half of the time the picture into the bottom.


The conclusions can be drawn through numerical simulation: The hydrate-forming region becomes small with increasing circulation rate and inhibiter concentration, and it is possible to make the hydrate-forming region away from sea floor by increasing circulation rate and inhibiter concentration, thus preventing blowout preventer lines from hydrate plugging; the decrease in gas volume fraction in the annulus due to hydrate formation reduces pit gain, which can delay the detection of well kick; the possibility of hydrate presence at a relatively low gas production rate is much greater than that at a relatively higher production rate; the bottom hole pressure is affected little by hydrate phase transition, and it is allowable not to consider hydrate phase transition when the bottom hole pressure is calculated; shut-in casing pressure cann't truly reflect gas kick due to hydrate formation and the situation is getting worse with time


She liked handling him. She loved having his body in her charge, absolutely, to the last menial offices. She said to Connie one day: 'All men are babies, when you come to the bottom of them. Why, I've handled some of the toughest customers as ever went down Tevershall pit. But let anything ail them so that you have to do for them, and they're babies, just big babies.


With an example of the multimedia information fusion monitoring of ground pit bottom in the Dongtan Coal Mine, the information fusion was researched.


On the safe side, we should use active soil pressure and passive soil pressure to calculate the support strength before T increased. That is RA=EA-EP Among them: RA ………… holding strength EA ………… composite force of active soil pressure EP ………… composite force of passive soil pressure Immediately, flexural torque distribution of enclosure wall can be counted. Mmax is the location of shear force zero. Equivalence beam method abridges. No matter which kind of supporting structure form, the key problem lies in the establishment depth of catch point, severity of support and enclosure wall, penetration depth and pit bottom quality of soil property.

单道锚杆支护结构计算分别采用静力平衡法及等值梁法,根据试算法插入深度t值需先进行假定墙的插入深度确定后来计算支撑力,为了安全起见,可按插入深度增大前的主动与被动土压力合力计算支撑力即 RA=EA-EP 式中:RA …………支撑力 EA …………主动土压力合力 EP …………被动土压力合力随之可求围护墙的弯矩分布,Mmax为剪力为零点的位置,等值梁法的计算略述。

In the case of a pit drain, ensure an adequate air gap exists between the bottom of the drain line and the bottom of the pit .


The procedure is applied in two projects:(1) Shanghai Huanqiu finance center tower foundation pit dewatering, the complicated flow state of groundwater is simulated under these conditions which the aquifers deposite layer by layer, the bottom of the aquifers goes deep to 149m, the horizontal flow barrier goes deep to 34m, the extraction wells are penetrated to 55m, the filters of the extraction wells are located between 34m to 55m, and the water level in the deep foundation pit is decreased to 26m under land surface, the result of 8 pumping wells optimization project is designed.(2) The forth subway of Dong Jia-du tunnel repair foundation pit dewatering in Shanghai, the complicated flow state of groundwater is simulated under these conditions which the aquifers deposite layer by layer, the bottom of the aquifers goes deep to 144.45m, the horizontal flow barrier goes deep to 65m, the extraction wells are penetrated to 60m, the filters of the extraction wells are located between 45m to 60m, and the water level in the deep foundation pit is decreased to 42.45m under land surface, then an optimization project is designed.


Looking into an animated pit by last summer's Venice star Tabaimo, one was warned by the husky baritone of Jeanne Moreau on the MP3 player:"There are secrets lying at the bottom of a well, just like in the bottom of a bag."

当你正看着上届威尼斯当红的Tabaimo制作的井底动画时,Jeanne Moreau用她沙哑的声音在mp3中提醒着你:&井底隐藏着秘密,犹如手袋的底部。&

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Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
